
Title : Uncharted
Author :Claudia Burgoa
Series :Unexpected #3
Rating : 5 Stars
Blurb : As a rule, men don’t grow up believing in a happily ever after. We don’t believe in meeting the love of our lives; or the white picket fence, and 2.5 children. Every man thinks that those stupid dreams or fantasies are just nonexistent shit until it happens to them. We should have been forewarned. I wish I was prepared for someone to appear in my life and change all my priorities. I suddenly wanted that fence and children. The part of meeting the love of my life became very real, but I wasn’t ready for suddenly losing it all, and my life plummeting into this shithole forever. The heartbreak of losing your soulmate is one of the worst pains you will ever live with. I should campaign and warn the young people. Vaccinate against love because if you lose it, you could lose yourself for the rest of your life. The burden on your back will forever mark you and wither away your soul, darkening your days and the rest of your natural life. This isn’t false advertisement or a dramatic display of one bitter soul.PriaI fought by my mother’s side until her last breath, and tried to help my father until his last memories dissipated. My sister is the last one standing, but her life is a miracle that can end at any given moment. All my life I’ve never been alone, but always felt lonely.Today, my options on how to live my life are endless, yet my heart and my best friend limit them. Stay in Seattle, close to the one person that will never let me inside his world.The thug, as mom would’ve called him. A man with a bad boy attitude and a heart bigger than the ocean.
Review : 5 beautiful stars for a deeply touching and emotional story! Besides the lovely characters and their characteristics, I loved the way the reader gets touching while reading this book! Right from the very beginning you just can’t do otherwise than connect with the things happening during the course of action . That’s what is so special about it- you just get sucked in! In combination with the plot twists and unexpected revealings this book has the perfect mix to make the reader feel-feel what the author described with an awesome set of words!
> > > I have received this book as an ARC from the publisher. < < < > > > In exchange, I promised an honest review. < < <

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