
Title : Don’t Make Me Beautiful
Author : Elle Casey
Series : N/A
Rating : 3 Stars
Blurb : A ROMANTIC SUSPENSE NOVEL. No one knew a woman lived there or that she even existed. A monster, living in darkness… At twenty-two, Nicole doesn’t even look human anymore. The beast made sure of that. So she hides. A monster, consigned to a life of fear and solitude. This is all she deserves, she is quite sure of that. And then one day out of the blue, the autographed baseball caught by Brian Jensen at the latest Marlins game enters her prison and manages to turn her world completely upside down. Temptation comes in the form of pity at first, and then perhaps something more. Does she dare to believe the things she’s told, that this is not the life she was meant to live? That being a monster is not her forever-fate? And will she be willing to risk everything, to reach out and accept the helping hands around her and share her deepest, darkest secrets? She knows only too well that hands can hurt. Finding out whether they can also heal is a risky proposition, especially when the beast is still out there. Looking for her. **This story was inspired by true events. If you liked the movie “Sleeping With the Enemy”, then you might like this story too. CONTENT WARNING: Violence, foul language, and adult situations. Not meant for younger readers .**
Review : It did not work out for me – not sure why … if it was the writing style, if I was in the wrong mood or the character develeopment was not ok. Whilst the heroine was emotionally almost to deep – the hero was only scratching on the surface of his possebilities. Surly the message of the book is strong and I liked that about it but something was always tempting me to read across the book and just skip pages to see where this is going. I am still not sure what was wrong with the story that made me want to skip pages but did not let me put the book aside …?!
Cliffhanger : (KLICK to find out) !!!
HEA? : (KLICK to find out) !!!

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