
Title :

Never Never: Part Three

Author :

Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Series :

Never Never #3

Release date : Jan 19, 2016
Rating : 3 Stars
Blurb :

New York Times bestselling authors Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher are back with the much-anticipated final installment in the Never Never novella series. Together, Silas Nash and Charlize Wynwood must look deeper into the past to find out who they were and who they want to be. With time ticking down, the couple are in a race to find the answers they need before they lose everything. Can they regain what they once had? And will it restore who they once were?

Review :

Before I start writing down all the things that are going down in my mind right now, I want to warn you. This review probably will make as much sense as all the clues you get in the two previous books of the Never Never series. Yes, I am that confused…

So where to start…..
After reading the previous two books I was left behind confused as hell which, of course, left me craving for Never Never 3 for a long time with this constantly ache in my chest.
An ache which didn´t disappear after finishing the last book. You still are confronted with Silas and Charlie who still are looking for a solution of their very unique problem: after 2 days they loose all of their memories. Over and over again. Something which puts a lot of pressure on them as they don´t have a lot of time to solve it before loosing all their memories over and over again. I really enjoyed the tension created by this pressure put on them, including all these clues that most end in this epic reveal at the end. But….the longer I think about the way these two awesome authors ended this serious. The more confused I am. I would not say I am disappointed by them as this would not be fair, but I definetly expected something different. The whole three books you are confronted with something mystique. Something that doesn´t seem to make any sense. And then in the end, you are confronted with something so…. Ok at this point I just realize that it is impossible not to spoiler which makes explaining my opinion almost impossible. I get what they both wanted to create…this Ah-moment which a lot of you might have. I thing I get it, I really do. But at the same time I am not sure how sattisfied I am with the last book. Especially because I really was not able to find Colleen in this book. Even though there were some pretty awesome scenes which screamed her name.

“Fate is the magnetic pull of our souls toward the people, places, and things we belong with.”

I still fell this pull toward Colleen, don´t worry. 😉 Even after reading this not fully satifying book.
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