Title :

Wilde Card

Author :

Jenn Stark

Series :

Immortal Vegas, #2

Release date : November 17th 2015
Rating : 4 Stars
Blurb :

Wilde Card (Immortal Vegas #2) by Jenn Stark (Goodreads Author) 4.17 of 5 stars 4.17 · rating details · 53 ratings · 13 reviews All that glitters may not be gold.When an antique gold show comes to Vegas, magical-artifacts hunter Sara Wilde is on the job. She’s tasked with an illegal search and seizure of relics that could give their bearers the power to create or to destroy entire worlds of magic.Talismans that may ignite a war.Rumors of impending battle race like wildfire through the Connected community. Every psychic, were, warlock, and witch descends on Sin City to claim the relics first. Even the mighty Arcana Council is swelling its ranks, disrupting the careful plans of its leader, the darkly sensuous Magician. Sara’s complex heist becomes even trickier as the hard-edged, heart-stealing detective from her past is assigned to investigate, forcing her to confront the one man in Vegas she can’t bluff. Nothing goes quite as planned, and everything is up for grabs.This November, if you plan to play in Vegas… beware the Wilde Card.

Review :

So when it comes to this series I can only state that Jenn Stark is a natural in her story telling and I just love this series. It is funny, funky, witty and downright hilarious with a kicking story.

Sarah Wilde hunts artefacts for private collectors as well as the Arcane Council but is currently on a private gig to get the Mongolians crown that belonged to Ghengis Khan which offers prosperity and a long life there is a slight hitch though but money is money and she needs it to protect the Connecteds of the world against dark practioners and SANCTUS an unknown is also Techzilla.
Back in Vegas she has to be an oracle to Eshe, the high priestess on the council. Sarah is an unknown factor in the game. She has to deal with the council, Armaeus, the Magician, the devil and the fool. Sarah is given another gig from the council as the Rarity is in town where all magical artefacts are auctioned off and this time round there are some big players in town.
They are after some scrolls which are apparently the language of the Gods. There are traitors and the balance needs to tip and the council is getting involved. Not going to give too much away but Sarah needs to make some choices, stay in Vegas? Find out more about her past? What is the story behind the dragon? Will she develop her powers? She lets herself be used by the council but I guess it is mutual.
What I don’t get is why Sarah is so caught up on Detective Brody Rooks when she doesn’t really want him. I need more information on this one with those two. Ms. Stark creates a beautiful world with an interesting plot without being predictable making you want the next book.
Book supplied by author in exchange for a honest review.
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