Title: The Silent Scream
Author: Nancy George
Genre: Non-Fiction Short Story
Release Date: April 11, 2018

I’m used to writing romance novels about love. It’s all fiction, make-believe, and everything in the end always turns out well. A recipe for success—a happy ever after.
However, this story is my story—it’s real, and it’s raw.
I’m scared and afraid.
I know there are many other people out there like me who are caring for a loved one with a terminal illness.
Some of you are about to make the same journey I’ve been on.

Sitting in front of my computer at my desk attempting to write this factual story is incredibly difficult.
I’m used to writing romance novels about love. It’s all fiction, make-believe, and everything in the end always turns out well. A recipe for success—a happy ever after.
However, this story is my story—it’s real, and it’s raw.
I’m scared and afraid.
I know there are many other people out there like me who are caring for a loved one with a terminal illness.
Some of you are about to make the same journey I’ve been on.
If you are about to read this book, then you’re about to travel on the same journey I’ve just been on, or perhaps you’ve already travelled this road.
I didn’t know what was in front of me when all of this began.
If you’re in the same situation I was, I hope this book gives you an understanding of what you’re about to go through. I hope it gives you the strength to carry on.
Your story won’t be exactly the same as mine—no one’s story is ever the same—but the fears, anguish, and emotions will be similar.
I hope you find comfort and strength in my journey, and I hope I can help make your journey a little easier. With knowledge comes power.
God bless you all.

Nancy George lives in Wanganui, New Zealand with her three cats, and her dog Rosie.
Apart from writing, Nancy is a volunteer for the SPCA, fostering kittens.
This is her third book. Her first one is a short story called “I’m Fifty and Not Out” and her second is “Maggie.”