Which is the first book you have read that comes to your mind? Why is it so
important to you?
Which is the first book you have read that comes to your mind? Why is it so
important to you?
Jack London’s The Call
of the Wild.2) What made you start writing books?
of the Wild.2) What made you start writing books?
love to tell stories. I honestly can’t resist developing stories and writing.
It is something my mind naturally gravitates to. I honestly wish I would take
more time to read but I constantly challenge myself to write more and more.3) How much of yourself and/or your surroundings is part of your stories? And
is the influence based on a conscious decision or does it happen from time to
time that you recognize yourself in one of your character without planning it?
love to tell stories. I honestly can’t resist developing stories and writing.
It is something my mind naturally gravitates to. I honestly wish I would take
more time to read but I constantly challenge myself to write more and more.3) How much of yourself and/or your surroundings is part of your stories? And
is the influence based on a conscious decision or does it happen from time to
time that you recognize yourself in one of your character without planning it?
Very cool question. I use as much around me
as I can within reason. I am somewhat of a voyeur (the non-creepy kind). I am
highly sensitive to other people’s emotions. It allows me to channel the kind
of energy and feelings another human being, other than myself, could or would,
feel. I would say that my energy often merges with the energy of the characters
I create into one fictionalized symbiotic person. A brief insight into that
would a screenplay I was working on in which the main character starts the
story in the middle of a nervous breakdown. As I began to write that script I
had anxious swells and difficulty balancing life. I stopped writing that script
and shelved it for 3 years. It was that overwhelming. The character literally
got inside my head.4) Which author/actor/musician makes you start “fangirling” and why?
as I can within reason. I am somewhat of a voyeur (the non-creepy kind). I am
highly sensitive to other people’s emotions. It allows me to channel the kind
of energy and feelings another human being, other than myself, could or would,
feel. I would say that my energy often merges with the energy of the characters
I create into one fictionalized symbiotic person. A brief insight into that
would a screenplay I was working on in which the main character starts the
story in the middle of a nervous breakdown. As I began to write that script I
had anxious swells and difficulty balancing life. I stopped writing that script
and shelved it for 3 years. It was that overwhelming. The character literally
got inside my head.4) Which author/actor/musician makes you start “fangirling” and why?
Ha-ha. I’m going to go with “fanboying” on
this one. I’m hugely appreciative of Mozart, Beethoven, Dave Matthews Band,
Sublime, Blink 182, Pink Floyd and Bon Jovi—yes, Bon Jovi. Their music is
awesome and takes me to other places. So many great musical artists, but I love
the instrumentation and talent they all display. Acting…I’d say Scarlett
Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Stone…Brad Pitt,
George Clooney, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington and Sean Connery. 5) How does your perfect writing day look like? Do you plan when and how long do
you write or does it happen without planning?
this one. I’m hugely appreciative of Mozart, Beethoven, Dave Matthews Band,
Sublime, Blink 182, Pink Floyd and Bon Jovi—yes, Bon Jovi. Their music is
awesome and takes me to other places. So many great musical artists, but I love
the instrumentation and talent they all display. Acting…I’d say Scarlett
Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Stone…Brad Pitt,
George Clooney, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington and Sean Connery. 5) How does your perfect writing day look like? Do you plan when and how long do
you write or does it happen without planning?
Ah, I love opening the morning with a few pages. Then I bounce to do
other things and return for some late afternoon writing. Then I enjoy ending
the evening by the computer until winding down to watch TV. I would say all of
this is unplanned. I am a rare breed in that I can just plop in front of the
computer and go. My mind always has a pause button going on a story and I can
just press play and go!6) Which genre frightens you the most (in reference to writing a book that is
part of the genre)? Explain why!
other things and return for some late afternoon writing. Then I enjoy ending
the evening by the computer until winding down to watch TV. I would say all of
this is unplanned. I am a rare breed in that I can just plop in front of the
computer and go. My mind always has a pause button going on a story and I can
just press play and go!6) Which genre frightens you the most (in reference to writing a book that is
part of the genre)? Explain why!
Horror. I believe there is so much bad
horror out there and it is so easy to look foolish unless you have a brilliant
concept. I rarely give a thumbs up to a horror idea because so few are original
and smart (in my opinion).7) What do you like to do when you are not writing? What would you probably be
your profession if you were not an author?
horror out there and it is so easy to look foolish unless you have a brilliant
concept. I rarely give a thumbs up to a horror idea because so few are original
and smart (in my opinion).7) What do you like to do when you are not writing? What would you probably be
your profession if you were not an author?
Movies! Music! If I wasn’t an author (and I could pick), I’d want to be a
musician and a painter. I chose two because I’d be so successful from touring
that I’d have free time to dabble in art (ha-ha). I just started to paint a
little so we’ll see. I’m all about Impressionism.8) Which was the most touching reaction you ever got from a fan?
Movies! Music! If I wasn’t an author (and I could pick), I’d want to be a
musician and a painter. I chose two because I’d be so successful from touring
that I’d have free time to dabble in art (ha-ha). I just started to paint a
little so we’ll see. I’m all about Impressionism.8) Which was the most touching reaction you ever got from a fan?
They cried hysterically on the phone with
me. I have something I will get around to publishing in the future, but it is
about two brothers, one of who has Downs. It is an extraordinary and touching
story and it drove a grown man to tears with me on the phone as he recounted
the story. It was awkward for me. At the time, I was in my early 20s and he was
in his early 40s. 9) What is the most important thing you need to find in a book?
me. I have something I will get around to publishing in the future, but it is
about two brothers, one of who has Downs. It is an extraordinary and touching
story and it drove a grown man to tears with me on the phone as he recounted
the story. It was awkward for me. At the time, I was in my early 20s and he was
in his early 40s. 9) What is the most important thing you need to find in a book?
An effective smart story. I won’t allow
myself not to have one. The story must be great regardless of genre. I put that
upon myself and am very hard on my writing from that standpoint. Because I’ve
written screenplays and TV projects, I have a tremendous background in
developing stories. It definitely helps me as I flush out concepts and ideas. 10) What is the most difficult part of writing a book (including the
preparations and after-work-process)?
myself not to have one. The story must be great regardless of genre. I put that
upon myself and am very hard on my writing from that standpoint. Because I’ve
written screenplays and TV projects, I have a tremendous background in
developing stories. It definitely helps me as I flush out concepts and ideas. 10) What is the most difficult part of writing a book (including the
preparations and after-work-process)?
am a VERY fast writer. I always have been a bulldog when it comes to projects. Because
I work in different worlds of writing (movies, TV and books) it poses a
challenge to slow down and be patient when working on my novels. In addition,
editing is such a challenge for me. I want to move on to more stories and
slowing down and making sure the story I just wrote was perfect is as important
as the first draft itself. So keeping myself in check, preaching patience to my
brain, is my greatest writing challenge.11) If you could influence the questions people are asking you in interviews…
which question is the most annoying one that you would love to NEVER hear
am a VERY fast writer. I always have been a bulldog when it comes to projects. Because
I work in different worlds of writing (movies, TV and books) it poses a
challenge to slow down and be patient when working on my novels. In addition,
editing is such a challenge for me. I want to move on to more stories and
slowing down and making sure the story I just wrote was perfect is as important
as the first draft itself. So keeping myself in check, preaching patience to my
brain, is my greatest writing challenge.11) If you could influence the questions people are asking you in interviews…
which question is the most annoying one that you would love to NEVER hear
There are no annoying questions.
I say that honestly. I think the person answering questions needs to be humble
and thankful that someone is interested in hearing their thoughts. No matter
what level of success, it is important to share and let people in. And poor
interviewers can’t possibly know all the repeat questions I get. I say this
now…but I reserve the right 10 years from now to adjust this answer slightly. 🙂12) Which question would you really like to answer that you never got asked
yet? And what is your answer to that question?
I say that honestly. I think the person answering questions needs to be humble
and thankful that someone is interested in hearing their thoughts. No matter
what level of success, it is important to share and let people in. And poor
interviewers can’t possibly know all the repeat questions I get. I say this
now…but I reserve the right 10 years from now to adjust this answer slightly. 🙂12) Which question would you really like to answer that you never got asked
yet? And what is your answer to that question?
What was the moment you realized you wanted to write stories? I’d say
in high school when emotional outpouring hit the pages and I took my first baby
steps toward becoming a writer.13) Name three characteristics that you feel/think are important in your
writing style.
in high school when emotional outpouring hit the pages and I took my first baby
steps toward becoming a writer.13) Name three characteristics that you feel/think are important in your
writing style.
Visual style of writing.
Creative Metaphors. Challenging my readers.14) Which character of your books seems to be the most independent one so that
it seems to develop an own life?
Creative Metaphors. Challenging my readers.14) Which character of your books seems to be the most independent one so that
it seems to develop an own life?
Taylor Diamond character in The Connolly
Affair series is definitely a character that has legs and could spur
stories from fans. I think he is dynamic and interesting. I do give the readers
a couple of insert chapters at the end of book 2 in which I call “The Taylor
Diamond Chronicles.” It gives a view into Taylor’s life before he became THE
MAN. It looks at him as a teenager on the cusp of manhood. 15) What do you want tell your readers at the end of this interview?
Taylor Diamond character in The Connolly
Affair series is definitely a character that has legs and could spur
stories from fans. I think he is dynamic and interesting. I do give the readers
a couple of insert chapters at the end of book 2 in which I call “The Taylor
Diamond Chronicles.” It gives a view into Taylor’s life before he became THE
MAN. It looks at him as a teenager on the cusp of manhood. 15) What do you want tell your readers at the end of this interview?
I’m a very creative passionate writer. I hope
you come along for the ride as I start to show the world the man stories I’ve
been working on since I was a teenager. I’ve lived primarily in the world of
screenplays for a long time but I’m not adapting a lot of works and going to
share some amazing stories with the world. And of course, I want to sincerely
thank the readers for giving my stories their time. I say this with great
humility: I hope I can entertain everyone for a long time to come.
you come along for the ride as I start to show the world the man stories I’ve
been working on since I was a teenager. I’ve lived primarily in the world of
screenplays for a long time but I’m not adapting a lot of works and going to
share some amazing stories with the world. And of course, I want to sincerely
thank the readers for giving my stories their time. I say this with great
humility: I hope I can entertain everyone for a long time to come.