Rachel, the highly-anticipated and jaw-dropping conclusion to The Last Bachelor Duet from bestselling author Serena Akeroyd is now live!

It took a death for me to realize a hard truth:
I’m not just the Sinners’ lawyer.
They’re not just clients.
They’re family.
But my family is broken, torn apart by politics and dangerous factions who want to control us.
It’s no longer enough to stick to the sidelines. It’s not enough to be the face of the law amid the MC.
It’s time to ascend.
Rex needs his First Lady.
It’s time to rain hell.
Book TWO in The Last Bachelor Duet!

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With another nod, I strode over to the wardrobe where I’d unpacked last night, and as I grabbed a Henley, some jeans, my boots, a sweatshirt, and my coat, I felt her glance on me as she fastened her dress back up from where she’d pulled the two halves aside to bare her belly to my covetous gaze. “Ask,” I said gruffly as I turned back to her. “Don’t just bottle up whatever’s on your mind.” “Where’s your cut?” “With Wynter. She wanted to make sure I was coming back to her.” Her eyes rounded. “Oh.” “We get along well,” was all I said. “Seems like it.” Her brow furrowed as she stared down at the ground. I wasn’t sure what to expect from her next, but I didn’t prod, just tucked her hand in mine and dragged her back down the hall toward the elevator because we needed to get shit moving. When we were in her room, she finally said, “I’m glad you’ve built a relationship with her, Rex, and I’m so sorry that I’m the reason why you weren’t there to watch her grow up. You must really hate me—” My hands were cupping her cheeks before she could finish that sentence. I rested my forehead on hers, and I spoke the words against her lips so she could feel my breath. “You have nothing to be sorry for. What was done to you was not your choice. You are not the reason things didn’t work out with Wynter. You survived, Rachel, and that’s all I could have asked of you. That you somehow worked out how to wake up day after day and to keep on with your life. “Wynter—I wish we’d been able to raise her, don’t get me wrong. But it’s never too late to have a relationship. For us to be close. We weren’t there at the start, but life lasts for a hell of a long time, and we can be there for her now, can’t we?” Her lips trembled. “She’ll hate me for not coming with you.” “I’ll explain.” I pressed my thumb against her quivering mouth, needing to stop that tremor. “I’m good at explaining, and she’ll understand. “Nyx can not be in jail, Rachel. I need you to get him out of there, do you hear me?” Shivering, she nodded. “If it means you have to pull all the favors you have, if it means you have to break the law, you do it. Agreed?” “Agreed,” she said on a whisper. “However, you do not put yourself in danger or in harm’s way, Rachel. Understand?” “I understand.” “Good.” Her lips parted as she stared up at me. Nothing about Rachel was easy to decipher, but at that moment, her eyes darkened with emotions that might as well have spelled out letters for me to read. L. O. V. E. W. A. N. T. N. E. E. D. They were feelings I hadn’t seen in her expression for years. Not running simultaneously, at any rate. Want and need were one thing, but love, deeply entwined among them, was another. Seeing them here, now, imbued me with a strength I didn’t know I possessed. I cupped her chin and, mouth hovering over hers, whispered, “I won’t kiss you goodbye.” “You left your cut with Wynter and are leaving me with the promise of a kiss?” Grinning slightly, I nodded and traced my fingers over the soft line of her jaw. “We both have things to do, and if I kiss you, we aren’t going anywhere.” “You’re right.” She sighed. “I hate that you’re right.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It happens sometimes.”