Title : Saving Ben
Author : Tiffany Winters
Series : The Saving Series Book 1
Release date : October 28th 2016
Rating : 5 Stars
Blurb : He lives in the limelight, her life depends on staying out of it…
On the run from a dangerous stalker and plagued by a traumatic past, coffee-shop manager Maggie Nelson avoids relationships at all costs. When a homeless man steps in to help her at work, she feels safe for the first time in years. There’s only one problem; Maggie can’t stop thinking about him and it scares her more than anything ever has. Everything she believed about love is about to be turned upside down.
Rock star Ben Fisher committed the ultimate sin, a secret that haunts him to this day. He disguises himself in the city of Portland, Oregon, determined to beat down his demons and get his life back on track. Becoming infatuated with the quirky loner behind the counter at his favorite coffee shop wasn’t part of the plan. When a creepy customer leaves her visibly shaken, he can’t restrain his protective instincts.
Maggie might be the one in danger, but ultimately it’s Ben who needs saving.
Review : Using one of the rare moments of non scheduled reading time – I was browsing through the offers of a well known online bookseller. I came across a book cover that had me pause – actually because of something I usually dislike – I remembered that I had previously seen that cover picture used on another book and I tried to remember where (readers of my Blog/Facebook pages know that I have a “thing” for re-occurring covers) … While wondering where I had seen that picture I started to read the Blurb and thought that it sounded like a really interesting book.
So I directly went to Goodreads to check on the author only to find out there was NO reference to the author or book. With one eye on my full blog reading schedule and one eye on that book I was thinking “taking a chance and buy or not”.
Then I remembered there is nothing better than the feeling of discovering a debut author before others have and so I took the chance and got myself a copy of that book. And I am honestly really happy I did.
Lets get right to the point …
YES there are a few holes in the plot where I would have expected things to be different – but the total of the story made up for them and I am inclined to forget about them. Call it my debut bonus.
And YES I did think at times that there was an unbalance between the actual plot and the hot sex scenes. (Which really is probably only an issue for me because I like an equally balanced story while others will probably love this book only for the hot interactions between the leading characters alone)
AND another YES I know what I am talking about I read enough books on matters of intense sexual encounters with all of the subgenres that come with it. (Hey I am a blogger after all and review all the time)
I liked the depth of insight that Ben had on his life – I feel the author gave it a lot of thought. And while Maggie felt a little strange to me in the first chapters she grew on me later, together with all the other characters, that were created with so much care that it is not hard to imagine the stories behind them.
I think the readers will like how the characters interact and I believe it is easy to see a shape of stories for the future books in this series. The last pages of this book already give you a hint on this subject – which I will be sure to follow. (But I have to admit that my focus will probably on another member that I will have to meet in one of those books later – but I guess everybody will have his favorites)
Believe me when I say this book will cover all bases … the developing relationship between Maggie and Ben is scorching hot. All of their encounters are written so well that certain well known books (that have lately been turned into movies) will look like very pale shades of grey (pun intended) in comparison and Tiffany Winters did not even need any toys or kinky stuff to do that.
But the author also did not neglect the background story that keeps it all glued together. And yeah … I figured some things out already before they were resolved – I only could not place them in the right perspective because of deliberately missing information’s. I did not like one development in the last pages when it came to Maggie’s Stalker but I think the author will need that tiny piece for her next book.
This book can be read as a standalone because the series will feature another character in its next book, but I am pretty sure we will see Ben and Maggie again.
Which brings me to one of the plot holes I talked about that I would like to address. The people around Ben were kind of absent in moments when I would have expected them to be present and I hope that this changes in the next books because this is also part of the balance in the story I was talking about (I am keeping this spoiler free but will answer any PM concerning this)
In total this was a great read … and I admit that I am giving a Bonus star for the fact that this is a debut novel. So it is a four star read with a one star bonus for the Debut.
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