BLOG REVIEW : Swear (Landry Family #4) by Adriana Locke
October 30, 2017
reviewed for
Adriana Locke
Landry Family #4
May 15, 2017

Ellie Pagan has a list of reasons to stay away from Ford Landry. It’s a mile long and was so much easier to stick to when he was a world away. Now that he’s standing in front of her—body hard and chiseled from a stint in the military, suit cut to perfection, and a smirk she could never resist—remembering all the reasons why just got a whole lot harder.
Ford gets Ellie isn’t his biggest fan. He just doesn’t care. Standing in front of him, giving him hell, she’s even prettier than he remembered. All he can think about is how she felt in his arms, the taste of her kiss, the sound of her giggle in the middle of the night. He may not know how to win her back, but he does know this: he may have let her go once, but that’s one mistake he won’t make again.
Swear is the fourth book in the Landry Family series by Adriana Locke and it was my first. I started reading it the minute it appeared on my kindle and I finished it in just two reading sessions, which should be telling you that it can not be that bad.
It can easily be read as a standalone, but as usual with this kind of books you have to live with the fact that you will spoiler yourself the end results of previous books as their outcome is closely related to the present of the book you are now reading. As for my thoughts on this book, well for one I think when reading the blurb I expected this book to be different in its setting.
I was looking for something that is closely related to a military romance and in this story the military is only a blip on the radar so if you are also looking for a military romance this might be not the right book. Then not knowing the family dynamics as I did not read the previous books I was thrown into a situation that I would have called “Insta-love” if it had not been for the fact that the two leading characters knew each other for years.
So it was more of an “Oh wow we haven’t seen each other in ages and I haven’t thought about you for just as long – but now that I saw you by accident – I think I am irrevocably and unconditionally in love with you” AGAIN… seems I have been having these kind of frequently lately.
But placing those two issues aside – this is a really sweet and well developed second chance romance with two really likeable characters. That kind of make you really wonder what went wrong the first time around.
The plot is well developed and the pace is just right so I really enjoyed the ride once I got over my issues at the beginning. Still it is not a full 5 star because I did not have an (as I call it) emotional rush – but do not mind me – it might be totally different for you so ENJOY
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