Hold You Against Me (Stripped #4) by Skye Warren
May 24, 2016
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Title : Hold You Against Me
Author : Skye Warren
Series : Stripped #4
Release date : Apr 12, 2016
Blurb : Once upon a time the daughter of a mafia king fell in love with a foot soldier.This fairy tale didn’t have a happy ending.My sister and I barely managed to escape alive, and we’ve lived in relative hiding ever since. I’m safe now, but I can never forget the boy who gave his life to save mine. Except there’s a chance that he’s still alive. And he’s fighting a war. Even knowing the risks, I have to find him. I have to find some way to protect him, the way he protected me. But he isn’t the boy I left behind. He’s a violent man. A criminal. And he’s been waiting for me—the final pawn in a dark game of survival and love.
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