Deliverance by Kristy Centeno
December 3, 2016
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Title : Deliverance
Author : Kristy Centeno
Series : n/a
Release date : March 19th 2016
Rating : 5 Stars
Blurb : He’s been locked away his entire life. He dreams of freedom. The only way he can accomplish his goals is by breaking free of the chains tying him to a dark past and gloomy existence. But there’s one catch. He’s not human. And he’s never set foot outside his jail. Devoted to saving his peers as well as his own life, he sets out to find the one person that can help him achieve his objectives. He knows where she will be and what she will look like, but what he doesn’t anticipate is the fact he finds himself caring for the girl whose life he’s put at risk, more and more each day. He has no name. He has only known hatred and violence before her. However, she will teach him to have faith in humanity, even if she can’t trust him. Together they will embark on a journey to bring down a corrupt system responsible for the loss of many innocent lives. But when he finds his feelings compromised, can he still move on knowing that doing so will put an end to the life she once knew? How far is he willing to go to be free?
Review : Deliverance by Kristy Centeno really reset my view on this kind of paranormal novels. Reading as much as I do you reach a certain point when you think you have seen it all or that you can not take any more of a certain genre.
And I have to be totally honest – If I had known the “genre/idea” behind the story I might not have chosen the book BUT I also admit that would have been a BIG mistake. So I think it is good that the reader is left a little in the dark about certain stuff when he reads the blurb.
The author choose the way the Blurb is written wisely because it really fits the story. Therefore I am sorry to disappoint you but I will not be the one to give you more information about it.
The writing of this author is really very good and the storyline is absolutely intriguing. There was so much content that I wondered along reading if the reader would be left with a cliffhanger or if the author will choose to make a series out of it.
Well I can not answer the second but I can answer the first and take away your worry – you will NOT meet a cliffhanger.
When you read the story you will understand the surprise behind that fact. There is really so much material there that I thought until the last pages that there had to be a cliffhanger of sorts.
About the leading characters.
The “he” the blurb is talking about is such a wonderful “person” he is so sweet and naïve that it is hard to imagine he really is capable of all the stuff he lets the reader know about during the story. But given the right motivation – people are capable of a lot … I had tears in my eyes when he was explained the way humans usually interact because he never learned it could actually be that way.
The “she” we are getting to know is a strong woman that even though she is afraid she will stand her ground no matter the outcome – a remarkable character
And we should not forget about the secondary characters of the story that are built so strong that I still feel there will be more – it is one of those stories where you shake your head and think … ok this is an END but do I want it to be an END and my answer would be NO. There is easy room for more because so many things are left open … But on the other hand if you think a standalone is ok and you do not want a series – you will also be fully satisfied when you finished this book.
So it is really a remarkable writing style of this new to me author.
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