Rescued by Mr. Wrong by Cynthia Thomason
May 24, 2017
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Title : Rescued by Mr. Wrong
Author : Cynthia Thomason
Series : n/a
Release date : 07 Feb 2017
Rating : 3 Stars
Blurb : Life is meant to be lived Surprising her family for Christmas seems like a good ideauntil Carrie Foster loses control of her car in a freak blizzard. Now she’s stuck in the middle of nowhere with a fractured leg, the unplanned-for guest of the man who saved her life.Keegan Breen lives in a secluded cabin on his family’s neglected campgrounds, which nature-lover Carrie sees as a potential paradise. The haunted war correspondent is a world away from the boy he was once. But together, can they prove the cynics wrong and show that opposites can not only attract, but be soul mates?
Review : In Case of “Rescued by Mr. Wrong” by Cynthia Thomason I am not sure what the authors reasons were for some of the strings in this plot. When choosing this book I did not know that it was a part of a series (it seems) of standalones around the daughters of the Foster Family. Judging from the plot this should be the last book of that series though. It is readable as a standalone without knowledge of the previous stories. But maybe because of my missing knowledge I had a problem with the leading characters.
I totally liked the idea of the brooding hermit that rescues a woman from a blizzard, you could say I am a sucker for such stories and this one did not disappoint when it comes to that part. Yet the Blurb did not give me any indication to several issues that were going to arise and one of them irked me particularly. No – to be honest there were several so I am not quite sure how to approach them in a review without giving away the plot.
Quoting the Blurb <<Surprising her family for Christmas seems like a good idea…until Carrie Foster loses control of her car in a freak blizzard. Now she’s stuck in the middle of nowhere with a fractured leg, the unplanned-for guest of the man who saved her life.>>
I liked the relationship between both characters, it was developing well and was interesting, but for most of the book they felt more like they were developing nothing more than a friendship as I could not feel the spark between them. And what bothered me was her relationship with her family and the way her appearance was described (and the amount of times that description was repeated). I am sorry if this is a spoiler but it felt like she was placed under disability instead of feeling like she had an overbearing family as it was intended.
Quoting the Blurb <<Keegan Breen lives in a secluded cabin on his family’s neglected campgrounds, which nature-lover Carrie sees as a potential paradise. The haunted war correspondent is a world away from the boy he was once. But together, can they prove the cynics wrong and show that opposites can not only attract, but be soul mates?>>
Keegan was an interesting character – like I imagined and I liked him until the moment he made a phone call to someone he should not have called. Sorry to be cryptic but I have to mention it as this is my main reason together with the strange family dynamic why this book was not my “thing”.
Keegan single handed destroyed my “feelings” for this story and I found myself sitting there shaking my head NO to what happened in that moment. Soul mates ? No way at least that was the signal I got.
This was my first book by this author and I am sorry that it was not for me because I really liked the plot idea but the way it was handled – even as well written as it was – did not work out for me.
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