Simone Sowood
March 3rd 2017
Fake Girlfriend, Real Arousal
A woman I’ve never seen before just told her father I’m her boyfriend. I walked into the restaurant to grab dinner between important meetings and there she was, red cheeked and fury in her electric blue eyes. I figure I’ll help her out with whatever she has going on with her father, so I kiss her. If she wants to be what’s on my menu, that’s fine by me. As she melts into my arms, the taste of her lips and the fire in her eyes hits me in the gut. She’s mine. This might be a game to her, but I’m playing for real. And trust me when I say I never lose. I’m going to use my vast wealth and power to get her exactly where I want her. Who knows, I might even tell her who I really am.
First things first : You will have a totally different look on chocolate once you are through with this book. I was reading it while commuting and I really wished I had some good chocolate with me, so you might want to get some of your favorite sweet goddess before you start reading – you are going to need it.
Simone Sowood is a typewriter …. Yeah well really that is the only explanation that I have for the speed in which she throws out her novels. Today her newest one “Arousal” went live.
From the featured subject it is again totally different than the last book she released, which is something I admire as many authors stick to some sort of routine and their books become sort of boring as the newest one feels like you already read it before.
Even though you get thrown right into a “situation” without much explanation up front, you never once feel like you do not understand what is going on. Ms. Sowood’s male characters are always on the dominant side, well developed and extremely interesting in their backgrounds, no matter if they are wealthy or not.
I liked Liam – the lead in Arousal a lot, even though he made some (from the beginning on at least to me) obvious bad / strange decisions.
The female leads – in this case Darcy – are never weak or in need of rescue when it comes to her story’s . They are independent or at least strong woman coming across the male leads at situations that let the males assume they need rescue.
So far I think “Carny” and “Arousal” are her best books – with Carny being slightly the first because of one issue I had with the book that I like to mention. I think Ms. Sowood took such great care to construct an interesting backstory with lots of thoughts into the development.
But then she rushed to the end, which really hurt me because I loved the story. I could discuss in detail what I am thinking of but that would spoiler parts of the story and most probably nobody feels the way I do, so I am only giving a hint.
I think everything after the TV show felt rushed or strange, with the behavior of Darcy’s father in the end being the cherry on top…
I know this sounds bad, but it actually isn’t which is why this book keeps his 5 stars, it is just that depending on the author I have expectations and Carny lifted those to a level where I expect the story to be perfect
(Sorry Ms. Sowood you placed the bar really high and you need to live with that now) …
I scrolled through some reviews now after I wrote what I felt I need to say and before I post this review I would like to add, that I think I know what other reviewers mean by “not what they expected” – I guess it is their way of describing what I mean by the rushed ending, because it also took me a while to figure out what it was that bothered me.
I whished she did some reworking whatever happens after that TV Show…
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