Abigail Davis, Ally Vance, Andi Jaxon, Claire C. Riley, Cole Denton, Ellie Meadows, J.M. Walker, Jennifer Bene, Kamisa Cole, Measha Stone, Natasha Preston, Penelope Douglas, Samantha Towle, Shane Starrett, Vicki James, Yolanda Olson

06 Wednesday Oct 2021
Abigail Davis, Ally Vance, Andi Jaxon, Claire C. Riley, Cole Denton, Ellie Meadows, J.M. Walker, Jennifer Bene, Kamisa Cole, Measha Stone, Natasha Preston, Penelope Douglas, Samantha Towle, Shane Starrett, Vicki James, Yolanda Olson
15 Thursday Oct 2020
J.M. Walker – “There were parts of this story that even I had a hard time reading and had to put my tablet down for a breath or two. There was also a chapter where I held my breath through it all. A book has not caused these sort of feelings to stir in me in such a long time.”
Justlovemybooks.com blog – “…if you’re looking for an emotional journey, I recommend this book; it will gut you.”
“Jonah.” My name is growled.
Roman grabs my shirt when I spin around and pulls me into a classroom with no lights on. Did he not hear the sermon? We can’t be caught together. Expecting to hit the wall, I stumble into the gloomy room with Roman shutting the door behind me.
“What are you doing in here?”
He doesn’t answer me, just grips my shirt again and pushes me against the wall where we won’t be seen by anyone walking past the door and he’s pressed against me. His lips are harsh and demanding against mine. He’s pissed off, but I’m too hurt by my father’s words to be angry yet. It’ll come, but right now, my heart is heavy and broken.
Gripping his face, I kiss him back just as hard, frantic for his touch. My tongue duels with his and my teeth latch onto his lip. He growls, the rumble of it vibrating my chest. He’s pressed against me, mouth to thigh, and hard as steel. Blood pumps through my veins, filling my cock at his closeness.
He reaches for my pants, and I break our kiss.
“Roman,” I pant, my hands reaching for his wrists.
“Why do you come here?”
His question catches me off-guard. He’s still crowding me against the wall, his deep blue eyes searching my face for something, but it’s hard to think with him this close to me.
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m a son of God.”
Confusion leaves me open for his next assault. Roman’s lips crush mine, taking no prisoners. This kiss is hard, demanding, brutal. It’s exactly what I need. The pain, the desperation.
I kiss him back just as hard, biting at his lips, sucking on his tongue, ravaging his mouth. My dick aches in my pants, hard, desperate for attention. Roman’s body moves against me, his dick just as hard behind his zipper.
Reaching down, he grabs my leg and pulls it around his hip to get a better angle. His thick cock sliding against mine has my eyes rolling back into my head and he swallows my moan.
My hands grip his shirt, pushing him away from me, forcing him to let go of my lips. We stand there for a long minute, panting, not saying anything.
“We can’t do this here.” I’m finally able to get the words out.
Roman smirks that damn look that says, “I can do whatever the fuck I want.” His hands cup my ass, forcing me to grind against him. My eyes close and a groan rumbles from my throat.
“Stop,” I pant. “We can’t do this here. Not in the House of God. It’s sacrosanct. It’s wrong.”
“Does it feel good, Jonah?” Roman lips brush against my ear. “My dick against yours?”
“Yes,” I hiss through clenched teeth, pleasure overriding the common sense part of my brain.
“Does it feel right? Me touching you like this?” His teeth nip at the skin of my neck. “Huh? Does this feel perverted? Does this feel like something you can just stop wanting?”
Roman’s hand moves to the front of my pants once again, his palm pushing and stroking against my dick through my pants. My hips buck against him on instinct, wanting more.
His lips drop to mine again, shutting down all logical thought. My hands move to his hair, pulling on the gold locks he wears so proudly.
10 Thursday Sep 2020
Bully King, an all-new angsty, M/M bully romance from Andi Jaxon is releasing October 15th, and we have the smoking hot cover!
I’m the pastor’s son. He’s the star quarterback for a small Kentucky high school. While the town worships him, I pray for God to take my life. He makes my life a living hell by making me his victim. This perverse game we play could end us both. How can something that feels so right be so wrong? The price if the truth is discovered is death, but I can’t stop. Neither can he. No one can know. Can I risk it? Is Roman King worth dying for?
*This story is a bully romance including dubious consent, assault, talk of suicide and is intended for readers 18+. Please proceed with caution.*
Pre-order your copy today exclusively on Amazon! Amazon: https://amzn.to/2EgA557 Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/bullyking
Add BULLY KING to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/319Yy4R
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster Models: Tommy Pearce and Lochie Carey Cover Designer: PopKitty Designs
Meet Andi
From Dyslexic kid with a love of Algebra to a published author, no one expected me to become an author. I love to write about tortured pasts and hot sex, a happily ever after that has to be worked for. My stories tend to be contemporary with a few little dark elements and some comic relief, typically in the form of sarcasm.
Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!
Connect with Andi
Amazon: http://bit.ly/AndiAmazon BookBub: http://bit.ly/AndiBookBub Goodreads: https://bit.ly/AndiGoodReads Facebook: https://bit.ly/3bqF9Ac Pinterest: http://bit.ly/AndiPinterest Reader Group: https://bit.ly/32U67fP Instagram: https://bit.ly/35gLqO7 Website: http://www.andijaxon.com Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3hXobfl
17 Thursday Oct 2019
02 Thursday May 2019
Laundry Librarian – “Have you ever been touched by a story so deeply, the feelings it draws out of you linger for weeks, months or even years after finishing it? Learning Curve was that kind of book for me.”
The Little Bookworm – “I love a great forbidden romance and Learning Curve is definitely now on the top of that list for me.”
A Book Lover’s Emporium Book Blog – “Forbidden? Teacher/student? M/M? Oh HELL YEAH! This book has all my favourite things!”
17 Monday Dec 2018
No matter keeping these knuckle heads in line and out of trouble is a full-time job when we are on mission. Just as I am about to hop in my bunk, I head the call for mail sound from the chow hall.
“Hey LT, aren’t you coming?” Cowboy asks as he hops of his bunk and heads in that direction
“What’s the point? There ain’t nothing in there for me, besides there the makings of a sandstorm brewing out there. I don’t want to be caught in that.” I grumble as I lay back, placing my hands behind my head.
“Aww no lady friends pinning after you old man? More than enough of me to go around I guess.” Hard-on responds as he claps Logan on the back before heading out the bunkhouse.
“Maybe I need to call the girls and let them know about all the ladies writing you
letters?” I hope off my bunk and follow them, it wouldn’t hurt just to see if maybe I got lucky and someone sent me something. There is always hope, right?
“Hey Brass, waiting on something from that lady of yours?” I ask, taking the seat next to him.
Don’t you mean his Mama?” Hard-On plops down on the other side of him, barely missing the right hook Brass throws his way.
“Layla always sends me something, never know what it is going to be. So, I’m here impatiently waiting just like the rest of you assholes” He grows. I guess Hard-on is till giving him a hard time about his relationship with his girl. I don’t know much about what’s going but I do know it’s not the norm. As long as it isn’t illegal, he can do whatever the hell he wants.
Brass sudden becomes fixated on the door, “Hey Newb, where’s my shit?”
The newest member of our team, Brady, is headed our way. Now that Brass has finally lost the title of Newb he has taken to giving of Brady here a hard time. I can’t say that I blame him, it is a rite of passage in the SEALs. Although it took him longer than most, he is a better SEAL and man for it.
“What shit are you talking about, Brass?” Newb responds
“My laundry you ass. Ain’t nobody got time to be doing their own laundry. That’s what we have you for.”
“Brass, last time I checked you had a Mama for that shit. I ain’t your Mama. Do your own fucking laundry.” Newb says before turning to head out. Guess seeing if he had any mail wasn’t that important.
“Damn! Now I know why you asses gave me such a hard time. That shit feels good as fuck!” Brass says, and we all begin to chuckle. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder, turning to see who it is. “Sorry to bother your sir, but there is a letter here for you.” I don’t even register who is speaking before I take the letter and rip it open. The pages smell like a warm spring day and are covered with elegant handwriting that can only come from a woman,
Dear Lieutenant McMillon,
With the holidays approaching much faster than I would like, I wanted to write you a letter to thank you for volunteering to defend our country. Military service is often a thankless job; under paid and over worked. Deployed for months at a time, taken away from friends, family, and loved ones.
I am a CNA at one of the local hospitals and all of us on my shift decided to volunteer to bring happiness to someone else’s life. I am a Marine Corp widow, my late husband always said that mail call the highlight of everyone’s day. Just knowing that someone was thinking about them on the other side of the world made things a little better.
I’ve never been overseas or even on an airplane. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in a different country for months at a time, especially some place as dangerous as an active war zone.
I hope you’re as safe as you can be. The only thing I’ve done is move from Texas to California.
Do you have family or loved ones that write to you or is that why you joined this
program? Do you enjoy being in the Navy?
I have a little girl who is three going on thirteen. I can’t imagine being away from her for months at a time. I barley like going to work every day, time is precious, and we must spend every minute as if it is our last.
I’m not sure what to say except thank you. Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for everything that you do, all the things that people not in the military don’t know you do.
I can’t help but smile. Just this simple letter had changed my outlooking on the day. I’m going to write her back, just to say thank you of course. I’m not expecting anything to come of this, but just knowing that Becca took the time to write me is enough. Maybe she will want to correspond further after this? This definitely gives me something to look forward too, which is a godsend around here.
Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!
10 Wednesday Oct 2018
Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!
I love to write messed up psychos with lots of angst, happily ever afters that have to be worked for. Women with sass and backbone, men with a twisted hero complex and the need to control are my favorite to read as well as write.
24 Monday Sep 2018
Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!
I love to write messed up psychos with lots of angst, happily ever afters that have to be worked for. Women with sass and backbone, men with a twisted hero complex and the need to control are my favorite to read as well as write.
29 Wednesday Aug 2018
Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!
I love to write messed up psychos with lots of angst, happily ever afters that have to be worked for. Women with sass and backbone, men with a twisted hero complex and the need to control are my favorite to read as well as write.
08 Wednesday Aug 2018
Want to know more about Andi Jaxon? Follow her on social media or subscribe to her mailing list to receive the latest information on new releases, sales, and more!
Fluent in sarcasm, Supernatural, and song lyrics, I like talking to people and finding what makes them tick, though that probably has to do with the Psychology degree. I’m up before the sun because my kids don’t sleep, chugging tea and coffee to keep my eyes open and my brain semi functional. Being married to a man in uniform means I’ve lived a lot of places, survived seeing my husband for half the amount of time I’ve been married, and spent a lot of time raising my kids alone.
I love to write messed up psychos with lots of angst, happily ever afters that have to be worked for. Women with sass and backbone, men with a twisted hero complex and the need to control are my favorite to read as well as write.