


Title: His Halloween Angel
Author: Ember Davis
Genre: Steamy Romance
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I’m used to making good first impressions because I get better tips when I do.  Somehow, when I meet a firecracker of a woman who wants the same angel costume I have my hands on, it’s obvious how much she dislikes me. 

I don’t care because I’m going to get the costume for my coworker.  I made a promise and I’m going to keep it by any means necessary.  Only, now I can’t get Remi out of my mind.  A Halloween party might do the trick.  I’m going to take full advantage of having the night off from bartending at The Mile High.

I wasn’t expecting to see Remi at the party, but there she is in all her angelic glory.  I want her, but there’s nothing angelic about how she feels about me.  It’s all fire and brimstone in her glares.  I don’t know how I’m going to pull it off, but I’m going to make her mine.  I might need a little help and I think I know who to ask.


They say the devil you know is better than the one you don’t.  I don’t know if it’s true, but when I meet Kevin, he is the devil I never want to see again.  All I wanted was to get a costume for the Halloween party at Suburban Outcast’s mansion, but I walk out of the store empty handed.  All because of Kevin.

I figure I’ll never see him again, even though with one look he had me wanting things I shouldn’t even think about.  It doesn’t matter because I can’t have him.  So why does it feel like he’s haunting me?  A wild night at a Halloween party is just what I need.

It’s no treat when I see him again at the party and I feel the way his dark eyes follow me all night.  I won’t let him bring down my night.  Just when I think I’ve gotten him out of my head, I’m tricked.  I should have known my glares wouldn’t be enough to deter him. 



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Ember Davis loves alpha heroes with a range of emotions, but a strong sense of how to take care of their women.  She loves her heroines from all walks of life, just like her heroes, and she wants them to be real and relatable.  Her heroines tend to be sassy, opinionated and smart.

Ember is a stay at home mom of two who recently refound her love of books and all things romance and is so glad that she did.  She’s always been creative but writing and creating stories that she would love to read that satisfies the dreams she had as a little girl.  She loves butterflies, the color purple and enjoying time with her family. 


Pssst…it’s totally a pen name, but everything above is 100% true.






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