
Title: Shadow: An Everyday Heroes World Novel
Series: The Everyday Heroes World
Author: Emma Jayne Mills
Genre: Romantic Suspense
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Emma Jayne Mills’ Shadow is a fast paced, sultry, romantic suspense written in K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World.

“Nothing lasts forever…”

Madeleine Hayes was dragged away from her quiet British life when she was just a teenager. As much as she loved Sunnyville, California, something stopped her from ever feeling at home there and twelve years later, following her father’s death, she has questions. With nothing left to lose, Maddie returns to her home town to dig into the events that sent her family fleeing for their lives all those years ago.

Kaden Kemp’s life was torn apart the night he witnessed his father’s murder. A corrupt police force ensured no one paid for the crime but he always knew exactly who was responsible. With no choice but to get on with his life, he thinks the events of that night are behind him, until the killer’s daughter returns to Frost Ford. Kaden is determined to finally get justice. If he can keep his hands off her, that is.

The spark between them is undeniable as sworn enemies are forced to work together to uncover a deadly secret.

Will they survive?





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Emma had a dream. It took a long time to realise that dream.

When it finally happened, it came via a career as a pre-school teacher, becoming a Mum of three, and 15 years as an army wife, following her husband from posting to posting across the UK and Europe while he served his country. She and her family have now left the army bubble and settled in their forever home of Spain.

In between masquerading as a domestic goddess and drinking gallons of sangria in the name of staying cool she has, at last, sat down and listened to the voices in her head.

Emma writes strong female leads who enjoy running in circles around the men who turn to mush for them. Her books can be dark and twisty, with bloodshed before the happy ever after, but she’ll get you there. Eventually.




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