
A follower and frequent reader brought something to my attention that I had been overlooking so far …

The fact that I could make my blog more accessible by adding a TEXT-TO-SPEECH tool. 

Checking the available free plugins for my WordPress installation I selected now one and installed it. You might notice now on several pages that the below symbol appears.


it belongs to “WebsiteVoice” a text-to-speech tool for WordPress website

Their comments promise that – QUOTE : “WebsiteVoice allows you to easily turn your WordPress articles into high-quality speech audio for your audience to listen while they’re busy multitasking or on the go.”

As with every free tool, there are limitations – I have no control which articles the tool deems worthy of reading or its position or anything else for the matter.

I do not earn money from this blog I have to keep the cost as low as possible so please bear with me if it is not perfect. At least I hope it is a step in the right direction.






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