FALLEN STAR by Susannah Nix is available now! Get your hands on this sexy Hollywood contemporary romance today.
The second he walked through the door, she could tell he was trouble.
Grace knows better than to fall for a Hollywood bad boy like Scott Deacon. An arrogant movie star with a troubled past and a big honking chip on his shoulder? No, thank you. He may be sex on wheels, but beneath the charming facade he’s just another cocky jackass destined to make her job more difficult.
The more time they spend together, the hotter the fire between them burns. With every flirtatious smile and brush of his hand, she feels her defenses crumbling.
She wants to hate him, but instead she’s in danger of losing all control.
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Read an Excerpt from FALLEN STAR:
Tuesday they were shooting on location in Jackson Square all day. The call time was two hours before dawn, so they could wring every second of sunlight out of the day, and Grace could not stop yawning on the transport van to the location.
“Wakey, wakey,” Scott said, leaning over the back of his seat to shake a plastic tumbler filled with something thick and green and disgusting-looking in front of her face.
“Ugh,” Grace grumbled. “Get that away from me.” She couldn’t help but smile a little though, even through her sleep-deprived crankiness.
An hour later, as the first streaks of light were glimmering in the sky above the river, Scott showed up at the pop-up tent where video village had been set up, and presented Grace with a white paper bag and a tall styrofoam cup from Café du Monde.
“For me?” she asked, perking up considerably. “Did you seriously walk over there and buy me coffee?” He didn’t seem to have gotten anything for anyone else. Just her. Her brain filed this information away to obsess over and analyze later, when he wasn’t standing two feet away grinning at her.
“Café au lait,” Scott said smugly. “And beignets.”
Grace narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion. “Did you make one of the PAs do it?”
“As a matter of fact, I did it all by myself. And I had to take a picture with the employees, so I hope you appreciate it.”
“I do!” she said, beaming at him. “You’re officially my favorite person today.”
He blinked at her, his smirk fading into something else entirely. Whatever that expression on his face was, it sent Grace’s stomach tumbling into a free fall. Rather than examine it more closely, she focused her attention on the bag in her hand. Inside was a mountain of powdered sugar, and buried beneath it were three pillowy squares of fried dough. “Don’t inhale while you’re eating those,” Scott warned her.
“Not my first rodeo,” Grace told him, excavating a beignet. “Want one?”
“Noooo.” He held up his hands in a warding gesture. “I’m doing a water cut for that fight scene on Thursday.”
Right. He’d be shirtless, which meant the Abs of Glory would be on full display. Grace found herself looking forward to Thursday with a little more enthusiasm.
“Sucks for you,” she said, giving him a taunting grin as she bit into a beignet.
His eyes homed in on her mouth with laser beam focus. “That’s fine. I’ll just enjoy them vicariously by watching you eat.”
“Does this get you off?” she asked archly and took another bite.
Scott licked his lips. “Not gonna lie, it kind of does.”
Grace couldn’t help laughing at his retriever-staring-down-a-dog-treat expression, which led her to make the fatal mistake of inhaling with the beignet in front of her mouth. Coughing sugar out of her lungs, she clapped a hand over her mouth as a cloud of fine white powder billowed out in front of her.
Scott sidestepped the powdered sugar typhoon and patted her on the back, chuckling. “Told you not to inhale.”
About Susannah Nix
Susannah Nix is the author of quirky contemporary romances about smart women and swoony men, including the Chemistry Lessons series of romcoms featuring STEM heroines and the Starstruck series of movie star romances. She lives in Texas with her husband, two ornery cats, and a flatulent pit bull.
When she’s not writing, Susannah enjoys reading, cooking, knitting, watching too much television, and getting distracted by Tumblr. She is also a powerlifter who can deadlift as much as Captain America weighs.
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Today I read “Fallen Star” – the second book in the Starstruck Series by Susannah Nix. Two weeks ago or so I read the first book “Rising Star” and already liked the way this author develops her stories. This time she went even further. Fallen star is almost a cliché without being one – let’s see how do I explain this … This book is a lesson on prejudice and pride, a lesson on strength and vulnerability – a story of how they end up in misunderstandings when people do not communicate It should be a lecture for us to not judge people without knowing everything. To not condemn them for past mistakes unless they are unforgivable To give them a chance to redeem themselves if their mistakes are forgivable – especially if we have no idea what actually happened. I actually physically hurt for Scott because the way Susannah Nix presented the story is exactly the way it happens in reality. Not that I know anything about the life of people in Hollywood but lets be honest … WE ALL HAVE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT – and I am more than relieved that I do NOT have wear that T-shirt. And it is only one step from real life that we know to the social media we also follow. We see things there that someone posted. Someone that might have received money for it or gained otherwise from it. The context in which it is posted might be right or it might be wrong – we are in no position to judge – yet we do it – automatically – either in quiet in our minds or out loud – but we do it. I bet from the plot you are expecting Scott to be a bad boy – and Grace to be the “innocent victim to his charm” – and maybe I am the odd one out there but for me Scott is actually the “victim” and Grace is the perfect mirror of our society. Taking the first line from the blurb – actually Grace SHOULD know better – because there is not only this one side to Hollywood – she should know there is also the other side – the one where appearance is everything and once you have a “name” you have it forever – in good times and in bad. But Grace is written in a way that shows a person can also change her mind believable and the reader can forgive her too for her prejudice. I really loved how the whole plot developed as it felt real – it never felt exaggerated in any way and I think every reader that likes the blurb will be able to step into the story and feel it. And maybe we can learn something from it – so we think twice before coming to an opinion the next time we see something on social media. |