We’re back with Benzin and they’re on a treasure hunt.

Ben Veccio caters to the antiques collectors of the immortal world as a human amongst vampires he always has to be fully aware of his surroundings. I love Ben, I think even more than I love Gio and that is saying something. Ben is strong, loyal, sly and has street smarts. He knows how to con people but doesn’t always use those skills. But at the same time, he is trying to come to terms with his past and what it could mean for his future.

Tenzin is a bloodthirsty, totally kickarse, violent five-thousand-year-old vampire. Oh, and she is obsessed with gold. To the point of being narrow minded about it. She partnered up with Ben in the business and have been doing well ever since. I love Tenzin she has this vulnerability to her can be a bit childlike at times but at others is as wise as can be.
The attraction and chemistry between Ben and Tenzin is building yet Tenzin doesn’t know what to do about it. If she wants to do something, if she wants to have that weakness. Ben doesn’t want to become a vampire although we all know that he is fighting a losing battle. Everyone knows and deep-down Ben knows it as well. These two unwittingly overstep the boundaries that they set for one another.

I do have one tiny thing to complain about Tiny and Ben are so aggravating with ignoring their feelings/chemistry. The buildup is killing me but patient I must be.

Writing, Plot & Pace

Ms. Hunter’s writing is flawless, impeccable and truly captivating. It’s like coming home every single time and hanging out with the gang or in this case the new gang. Chloe, Gavin, Ben and Tenzin. The plot is unique and each and every time the author brings Ben and Tenzin to hunt a new treasure in a new country I want to get on a plane and visit that country asap with Puerto Rico it is no different. They are to introduce themselves to the court of Los Tres to grant permission to seek for the treasure but there are also vampire politics at work. The pace is good not all of the time as Benzin’s antics got in the way a little too much but still spot on and never a dull moment.

What can I say? I am so biased when it comes to this series and the author there is no other option than to recommend this series. And I can only count my lucky stars that Ms. Hunter likes my reviews enough to let me receive an advanced copy before release date.



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