Sight Unseen by Barbara Cutrera
October 5, 2016
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Title : Sight Unseen
Author : Barbara Cutrera
Series : n/a
Release date : 04 Oct 2016
Rating : 2 Stars
Blurb : Marketing consultant Beth Panera thrills at the prospect of working with computer engineer Logan Kirkland to make his new business, Sight Unseen, a success in Sarasota, Florida. When they meet face-to-face and Beth discovers that Logan is blind, she welcomes the opportunity to learn how someone who is visually impaired can live independently and run his own business. Despite her hesitation when it comes to trusting men, she and the sexy, charismatic Logan become fast friends, comfortable with each other and their unique talents and quirks.Once the Sight Unseen store opens and their business association ends, they decide to explore their relationship on a much deeper level. Logan’s blindness and society’s preconceived notions about it are only two of many difficulties that they face as a couple.Beth comes to think of Logan as her “blind warrior,” a strong, handsome, honorable man she loves in spite of her fear of betrayal. However, it becomes clear that Beth is not the only one in their relationship who has trust issues to resolve. Logan’s greatest challenge lies ahead, and Beth’s blind warrior must fight the greatest battle of his life if he wants to win her heart forever.
Review : I liked the Blurb of “Sight Unseen” so I decided to request the ARC for review. Barbara Cutrera was a “new to me” author so when I started reading “Sight Unseen” I was unsure of what to expect.
The writing of this author is solid and basically it could have been a really great story.
Basically that is …
Usually I refrain from going deeper into the plot to avoid spoiler, but I am afraid in this special case I need to go at least a little into detail to explain better where my problems with this book are.
So if you avoid spoilers please stop reading here – thank you
The biggest issue is that I think that the plot wants too much. We have a basic plot that is the developing relation between Logan and Beth. That plot is already going very into details at times that I felt were not necessary and overloading the story.
But worse was that this plot is to frequently disturbed by plot strings that are not really followed through and stole away from the building relationship that took a backseat to the drama. And in the quantity in which these side plots occurred they made the plot unbelievable und unrealistic.
There is Beth’s Brother
The Ex-boyfriend
There are Beth’s parents
Then there is the whole family mess with Logan
the Nuns
his parents
his brother
last but not least both of their friends drama
… there is so much going on. I am sorry to say but LESS would have been more. · There are so many accidents and drama happening that it unfortunately became unrealistic. (and I am talking unrealistic for a novel and not for a real life)
I honestly only read it until the end to find out how the author was going to get out of this plotline.
My second issue could be simply described with “pot calling the cattle black”
Beth is disgusted so frequently by actions she notices happening towards Logan and she is fast and loud in her critic towards others – claiming they should know better before judging or taking actions.
But she herself is the loudest to call her father “sick” because of his lifestyle when she has no idea what she is talking about.
And she should never attempt to compare what her brother is doing to the normal situation of that way of life because it shows she really has NO idea what she is talking about.
So NO – not only was it impossible for me to connect to the story because it was really over the top too much – but also the narrow minded point of view of the female lead made it impossible to relate to the story.
The only positive thing in this story was Logan. He was a great character and very believable written.
I think it could be a good story if the author would take out some of those story strings … like for example the complete string relating to the nuns and all that follows it – because that was over the top.
There was enough drama already without that. I am not sure what to recommend about Beth because I will never be able to relate to her preachy comments as they are based on wrong assumptions and half knowledge but as a reader I assume I will have to accept that.
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