

ATTIC REVIEW : Enshrine by Chelle Bliss


March 31, 2017


reviewed for


Jeri’s Book Attic




Title :              Enshrine

Author :           Chelle Bliss

Series :            n/a

Release date :   January 26th 2016

Rating :           4 Stars



Blurb :




I thought I knew what was important, but one phone call sent my life into a tailspin. Alone and afraid, I clung to the one man I shouldn’t. I was warned about him and told to stay away. “He’s dangerous,” they said. But the man who could hurt me the most, gave me the greatest comfort. “He’s not who they think,” I told myself. But just like an illusion, things are never what they seem.


Review : In the beginning I wondered where this story would be going but after a few pages I was sucked into it. Wanting to find out more about “the man”. It was such an unusual plot that it was hard to put the book down. I really liked the characters and the plot was so engaging that I was moving along with our heroine in her quest to find out more about “her man” and I routed for them every step of the way. 



Great story – well developed – well written … I ended up rating it just short before 5 stars because eventhough the plot was heartbreaking at times I did not find myself crying and therefore there was some tiny touch missing.


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