Without Words by Delancey Stewart
October 8, 2017
reviewed for
Without Words
Delancey Stewart
May 22nd 2017
Sometimes love speaks for itself…After an accident in the line of duty, firefighter Roberto DeRosa’s life is turned upside down. His career fighting fires is over, and he’s left with an uncertain future and an injury that makes communicating difficult for him. The only time words flow easily is when they’re lyrics and he has a guitar in his hands. Talking to women is definitely out, especially if they have bright blue eyes that seem to see right into his soul.Dani Hodge is on the brink of realizing her dream of opening a small combination wine and book store in San Diego’s funky Ocean Beach neighborhood. But before she can open the doors, there’s work to be done, more work than she can do herself. When the tattooed guy who completely ignored her at a bar walks by and offers her a hand wrangling a tile saw, Dani can’t afford to say no—and why would she say no to Mr. Strong and Silent when his stare conveys more than words could?
I just finished reading WITHOUT WORDS by Delancey Stewart, which was my first book by this author. I liked her writing style and the story was well developed. What I did not totally understand honestly was the choice of title. Rob’s problems were sever but the title made them seem even worse than they were so I felt it was misleading in a way, but that might be only me so you don’t necessarily need to pay attention to this thought of mine.
The story itself felt fresh so I think it’s a perfect spring read (and please do not ask my why but it just felt like that to me). I could easy connect with both leading characters and I like their developing / building relationship. The story flowed at a nice and steady pace as you will be used to from this publisher (I really feel that it is a trademark of them). I can fully recommend this book to anybody that liked the blurb and the only reason it did not get the full 5 stars is my own rating system that only allows those for novels that give me emotional outbursts in any way.
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