My eyes roam the list of released books by Ilsa Madden-Mills
I think its official I am a fan of this author
And I don’t think that will change any time soon. She must have casted a spell on me when I read Dirty English because I couldn’t stop reading her releases since then. The only thing missing is the Briarwood Academy Series and I will correct that oversight soon.
Anyway I just read her newest release “I Dare You” and again (or shall I say “as usual”) I am not surprised because … I LOVED IT.
And I already “clicked” the “Want to Read” Button for the next in that new series called “The Hook Up”.
There is nothing that I love more than the way she writes her male leads.
A little to a lot broken bend by the weights of reality and def. not perfect. But good in their core, playful and loveable. #sigh … yeah I just described Maverick Monroe I guess.
Even the female lead Delaney was written in a way that made me really like her a lot.
Oh and the supporting crew was also not bad (except the antagonists they were as expected) – my favorite was (not unexpected) Ryker – so hence me clicking the “want to read” as the next book will be his #yay!)
I am not sure how much I can say without giving away too much of the plot … but I def. have to say … that book placed a movie on my “things to watch on TV”-List … #hell I am much older than the release of that movie – still I never saw it …… # lol
But those quotes – #swoon (not going to repeat those I believe they are to well known from what I saw when googling that movie. …. Funny when I checked the content of that film I noticed that the deeper meaning of that movie somehow transfers to that book – I loved it and therefore decided that I need to find it … I hope I might get lucky somewhere like Netflix or wherever)
I loved the banter between the characters and the way their relationship developed as the story progressed. And believe me please when I say that there is much more to the story than the plot might indicate. In fact when reading the blurb now after I know the book makes me think that the book is a lot deeper than one might assume and def. not a light funny comedy or something.
If you loved her previous books than you will also def. love this one and if you never read this author before – this will be a great start. And I almost guarantee you – that you will want to read previous books from her too if you like this one.
So please try : -)
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