

Goodreads Review

My War was over and I had lost. My captor reminded me I was nothing more than his pawn.
His strategy never changed…it was always me.

But what he didn’t know was that LOVE always wins.

In my War, I’d found not only peace
but LOVE as well.

I’d been through a battlefield with my War and LOVE was what brought us to the other side.
Our LOVE was beautiful and pure. Undying.

My captor thinks he has won this war. That I will LOVE him.
What he doesn’t know is this time, I’m the one with a strategy. I’m always thinking several moves ahead of him, my War taught me that.

I will outsmart him and find peace again.
This is a war I will win.
My LOVE will conquer all.

There are probably, well actually most likely going to be spoilers. So read no further and this can’t be read as a standalone. Skedaddle and read the book one.

4.5 Sicktastic Stars.

This book was over far too quickly. I was so tempted to reading the end although I’d just began reading and I never do that as the suspense was killing me.

I was nervous when it came to reading the second part of this series. There were questions that I had. What if I don’t like it? What If the ending isn’t what I want? Well I did like it but the ending? Well I’ll get to that later.

I’m going to keep it vague & fingers crossed relatively short.

Baylee has been taken back. The devil slayed my heart when he killed my War. And now I’m back. With him. The monster who haunts my nightmares. And everything she experience is a nightmare.

I didn’t see coming was how unhinged Brandon was. Who is Brandon you ask? Yes I had that issue, he was Baylee’s boyfriend in book one, in either the first chapter or the prologue. He never gave up on her but out of the boy, a dragon is born. Where there isn’t just one monster but two.

The black knight and the black rook taking out all the pieces in my world, including their attempt at taking my king.

The hurt, the pain, the betrayal, the loss of it all was too much. But through the hurt, the pain, the betrayal they gained in the end something beautiful.

The black king and the white queen are the only ones left on the board that’s no longer devoid of color. It drips with the crimson blood of the defeated and we stand in victory. Together.

A plot with twists and turns that are unexpected to say the least. The plot brought out so many emotions in me. Not impressed Ms. Webster what kind of ending is that? Now, why would you do that? No seriously why?

I’m off to read something happy now. Or at least happier than this mind fuckery.


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