


Title: Watch Me Follow
Author: Harloe Rae
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 2, 2018
Creep. Freak. Crazy
I’ve heard it all.
Over the years,
they’ve slammed me with every demeaning name in the book. 
Their taunts warped
me like a steady stream of poison.
Anger replaced
anxiety as I started believing the cruelty spat my way. 
Until she showed up
and changed everything. 
Lennon Bennett is
pure innocence—warm sunshine breaking apart my stormy existence. 
She’s everything
good and maybe I can be too. 
For her. With her.
Because of her.
Lennon doesn’t know
I’m beckoned closer with each breath. She isn’t aware that I’m completely
consumed with her. 
It’s become my sole
purpose to protect her, by any means necessary. 
But if she
discovers the depth of my obsession, it will be the end of me.
So, I remain in the
Waiting. Watching.
She’ll be my first.
My last. My only.
Watch Me Follow is
a TOTAL standalone. 
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He’s becoming really obvious.


The mystery man is here again, hidden in the shadows and out of clear sight, but I’m catching onto him.
After noticing him standing behind me the other day, the dark stranger has been appearing everywhere lately. I’m pretty sure this guy wants to get caught. Perhaps he’s been hanging nearby a lot longer and I’m just realizing it. My pulse beats wildly, the whooshing pounding in my ears as I continue watching him. This reaction isn’t from fear but rather a startling awareness of his recurring presence. I’m not scared of him, though most might be, and the need to know why snakes through my system.
We’ve been playing an intense game of hide-and-seek since that afternoon outside Aire Gardens almost a week ago. I’ll go somewhere—my studio, Brewed Awakenings, around campus, my apartment—and after settling in, begin searching for him. He’s always there, waiting to be spotted. Each time I find him, my belly tightens as a smile lights up my face. Discovering him out there, lingering in the background, has become something I really look forward to.
How didn’t I notice sooner?
Perhaps it’s my total inexperience with dating, and the opposite sex in general, that has me getting far too attached to these moments. I’m getting wrapped up in the fantasy of him, of what he represents. This stranger—Seek is what I’ve started calling him—is the closest thing to a boyfriend I’ve ever had. I find myself daydreaming about him, wondering who he really is, when did he find me, and most importantly—why me?
I press my palm flat against the cool glass and stare at him leaning against the large oak tree outside the Student Center. My thoughts are becoming more and more consumed with a guy I don’t even know—at least not really. Yet it seems like I do.
Author Bio

Harloe was born and raised in Minnesota. She is married to an amazing man and they have an adorable baby boy. They are what make life worth living for her. Harloe has a day job that she loves and is also passionate about horses, blogging, country living, and having fun.Harloe has been in love with romance since she was a little girl reading fairy tales. The dream is to find the perfect person that completes your life, right? Novels have a way of bringing fantasy to reality and she’s always up for an unforgettable adventure.

Stalk Harloe on her blog (www.harloe-rae.blog) or send her a message at harloe.rae@gmail.com

Interaction is really important to Harloe, so make sure to follow her pages and say hello!

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According to the dictionary normal is :  


conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

serving to establish a standard.


  1. approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
  2. free from any mental disorder; sane.

The same dictionary defines different as :…


not alike in character or quality; distinct in nature; dissimilar:

The two brothers are very different, although they are identical twins.

not identical; separate or distinct:

When I asked for directions, three people gave me three different answers.

various; several:

Different people told me the same story.

not ordinary; unusual:

I know my new hat is a bit different, but I thought I’d try it out.


I just read Watch Me Follow by Harloe Rae and this book is as different as its leading characters. I never read anything by this author so I wouldn’t know if this is a typical book for her, if its her typical way of writing or if it is also different.

As a firm believer that for every person there is a soulmate out there this story is really just like the winning of a lottery when you can not even remember participating.

We all get accustomed to a certain normal and everything that is outside of these visible lines is not normal to our standard and therefore different. But why do we fear everything that is different? The two leading characters in this story are so fare away from that “normal” that is established that I have to admit it also took me a while to wrap my head around why “sunshine” did not freak out …. or on the other hand why “Ry” always freaked out.

While one would have had a thousand reasons too (gosh I would have freaked out) the other barly had one and still used every chance he got. So yes definitely each one of them needed a very special significant other to be able to fully understand each other.

The essence of the story for me was not in an epic “showdown” (if you are looking for that you will be disappointed) but more between the lines. The point is that you do not need a magical cure to make the leads normal no you just have to re-define normal and change your point of view.

I admit that from my point of view those characters were strange as hell. But they were perfect for each other and the author drew a beautiful picture of vulnerable persons that just needed their soulmates to finally be complete.

And that is something to be jealous of. Having this one person to understand you before you even understand yourself is the most precious gift of all. This Gift lets the question if that relationship or the persons in it are “normal” fade away.



























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