Becoming Mrs. Lockwood | |
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K.I. Lynn | |
January 30th 2017 |
Every girl has dreams of meeting Prince Charming, or at least I know I did.
A fairy tale-like meeting of love at first sight. I’m just a small town Indiana girl that had a chance encounter with one of Hollywood’s golden boys. You may think you know where this story goes—not even close. Life is different. Marriage is hard. It’s even worse when you’re strangers. |
Wow – what an unusual story – well at least somehow. As I said this fact irritated me quite a while but not enough for me to put down this book. It reminded me of a fact I read about a Woody Allen the famous Hollywood Director and those facts created a kind of disturbing picture in the back of my mind (not even sure why because the story never gave any other reason than this age gap) and it was hard to get rid of that. But after a while I started to notice that one was acting much older than the age said and the other had a kind of missed childhood so somehow their age was just a number not something that really defined their relationship with each other. Problem about this is just that outsiders only see the obvious and not the details. But if you can handle that fact please let nothing stop you from reading this book. Because it is an almost realistic (well as realistic as it can be) version of a Hollywood phantasy and it felt good. I was skimming through some reviews after I finished reading to see how much was already spoilered about the book to decide what I could tell. While doing that I saw some complaints that the book was dragging and felt to long. I can personally not support that feeling more the opposite I did not want to leave the characters. The book does not have the usual set up where you get to a “climax” around 70-75% of your kindle and then enter the finale. It is more a continuous journey, which only makes sense because its kind of told backwards …at least in a way. So while reading it felt like you are walking alongside the characters. Especially the female lead. I really – REALLY – liked this story – its unusual even though the plot is not really new. But if you like Hollywood Romances this is one you should not miss