The British Knight, an all-new contemporary romance by Louise Bay is LIVE!!!
The British Knight by Louise Bay
Release Date: December 5th
Genre: Contemporary Romance
When I’m offered the chance to leave New York to live in London for three months, I can’t pack my suitcase fast enough.
As soon as I touch down I’m obsessing over red telephone boxes, palaces and all the black cabs.
But my favorite place is the tube. It’s wall-to-wall hot British men in suits.
When I’m offered a temporary job working for a barrister, I say, sign me up.
On my first commute into work, it’s a total accident when I lose my balance and fall against the most handsome Brit alive. He’s as charming as James Bond and as suave as Mr. Darcy. I want to lick tea from his hard abs and listen to his accent all night long.
Turns out Mr. Handsome is my new boss. And his attitude isn’t as hot as his gorgeous face, broad shoulders and tight ass. He’s brooding, short-tempered and the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.
As we’re fighting, out of nowhere he kisses me. And I’m pretty sure I see fireworks over Big Ben and hear God Save the Queen.
I wasn’t looking for the fairytale but I might have found my knight in shining armor. The problem is he lives an ocean away.
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About the Author:
USA Today bestselling author, Louise Bay writes sexy, contemporary romance novels – the kind she likes to read. Her books include the novels Duke of Manhattan, Hollywood Scandal, Park Avenue Prince, King of Wall Street, The Empire State Series, Indigo Nights and Hopeful.
Ruined by bonk-busters and sexy mini-series of the eighties Louise loves all things sexy and romantic. There’s not enough of it in real life so she disappears into the fictional worlds in books and films.
Louise loves the rain, the West Wing, London, days when she doesn’t have to wear make-up, being on her own, being with friends, elephants and champagne.
She loves to hear from readers so get in touch!
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My thoughts on the British Knight by Louise Bay are kind of divided. And to be super honest I am not sure how much of my thoughts an can share without giving spoilers. But I assume to explain myself a few hints are necessary so watch out.
First of all I loved the general writing style of the author. It was the first book I read from her and she really managed to paint a vivid picture of the London I saw with my own eyes.
Now my thoughts on the leads. Our male lead has a ton of flaws or no let me rephrase that what looks like a ton of flaws actually is only one but a massive one. Otherwise he is pretty much perfect. What I loved most about him was how he was always able to correctly evaluate flaws and mistakes and he never attempted to cover them up. Only one thing sneaked up on him where he had another person jump in and give him hints.
I loved how he was able to reevaluate his life and make changes where necessary. And the author implemented those in a believable way for the character she created.
Then there is our female lead. What I loved most about her was at the same time the one thing I hated about her. She was so super cool with everything that it drove me nuts. While it was great that she was able to take what she wanted without regretting. It felt unbelievable that she was fine with everything. Never expected anything. Really there was no balance at all between her needs, her wants and her actions. Which in the end brought up one of the most childish reactions (she admitted herself) to ONE mistake. I could have worked with that but what really made me roll my eyes was that she accused the male lead of all the things he made clear in the beginning and she always said she was ok with.
And honestly I hate it when women say one thing and mean another on this really large scale – especially when they are presented as this kind of in depended women like her. .
Actually I shed a small tear for the male lead for trying so hard and then being punished for ONE mistake (and not even a huge life altering mistake) – given his circumstances it was a mistake yes and I would have been hurt in her place yes but she really exaggerated her reaction.
The plot itself was good and solid. The character development was great especially with the male lead ( the female too but I just did not like her that much). The story flow was steady and I could not find any flaws in the concept. If I would remarks something then it would be, that it might have been a nice touch if Alex had used some of his skills to find some justice for violet concerning her past. I loved the outcome of the story that proves that solutions do not always come in the most obvious ways.
The tear I shed should have been the 5th star but given the fact that I had a mayor problem with the female lead the book only received 4 stars.