It’s a call that changes my life–and my little girl’s. Years ago, playing for the NBA was the dream, but the Seattle Stallions suck. Worse than that, my old teammate is now the star center–not to mention my number one rival. There has to be a catch, some sort of agenda. Before I was injured, I was the best. Now? There’s no way they want me.
But when I see the roster and salaries, it all comes together. It’s a chance to get on the court again and change our lives. And I just can’t wait for the opportunity to finally take him down. What I never counted on is Courtney Cohen being the game changer.
I inherited the Bad News Bears of the NBA. When I discovered the star center, my ex fiancé, cheating on me, all I want is to jump ship before the whole thing sinks. But with revenge on my mind, I exact a plan. Take down the dirty player and save my father’s dream.
Suddenly twelve minutes is too little time, and a season is not long enough.
Oh sweet baby Jesus we all need a Trae Rhodes in our lives. He is a filthy, dirty Hero with a hidden side of sweet.
Courtney Cohen has inherited the Seattle Stallions although at the
moment they are acting more like ponies. Her father Charlie Cohen built
it all for Courtney.
Charlie Cohen is no more but the sly dog put a plan in motion to help two people.
The Stallions are the laughing stock of the NBA and Court wants to
change that and bring them right to the top if it wasn’t for one slight
pesky thing.
Her lying, cheating ex fiancée is the star player of the team. The rat bag.
Trae Rhodes has probably lost his marbles but what he does for his baby girl?
Well it’s worth it. The money will help for her therapy. Although there
is an added bonus to the story and a hidden agenda with the star player
that involves the lead mare of the stable. Courtney Cohen.
Everybody is waiting and watching her to fail. Courtney started off so
naïve it was actually quite painful to read. But she became a strong and
independent woman but sometimes she was her own worst enemy. Courtney
is in a pool full of sharks and her one confident
and who has her back turns out to be Trae Rhodes.
I have very mixed feelings about this book I’m not sure how I feel about
the dynamic of the MC in the book. Once Court finally got over her
qualms things started to heat up between them. They did have sex until
very late in the book which is refreshing in a
way but there were times that because of this and Courtney trying to
deal with the internal struggles of the Stallions it all felt quite
sluggish. There were funny moments that then made it worthwhile. See?
There were times when I loved it but there were times were I thought it
actually wasn’t worth reading it. I still don’t know how many stars to
give it. I like MJ Fields as an author and I would read more books by
her given the chance.