Title: Vampire in Geek’s Clothing
Series: Psy-Vamp (Book 6)
Author: Cassandra Lawson
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: June 27
She is a hunter being hunted by her own kind.
Never tell anyone who you are. Never tell anyone what you are. Those have been the rules Phoenix has lived by for the last five years, and breaking them could get her killed. That has meant living alone and avoiding getting attached to anyone. Isaiah makes her long for a normal life, but when she discovers he has secrets of his own, Phoenix is left wondering if a future with Isaiah is even possible.
He is a vampire who will do anything to protect her.
Isaiah has never been tempted to have more than one night with any woman, but that all changes when he meets a beautiful barista who makes him wonder if he’s inherited the Draksel family stalker gene. Even when he learns that everything she’s told him is a lie, he finds himself unable to walk away from Phoenix. Isaiah has no clue how he’s going to convince her to trust him, but now that he’s found a woman who finds his nerdy ways sexy, he has no intention of letting her go.
Cassandra Lawson lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and her two youngest children. When she is not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, listening to music, or curling up with a good book.
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