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Murderous thoughts. That is what I had once Isabella walked through the door and revealed to me who she was. I needed an escape. An escape from my thoughts, an escape from the hurt… an escape from… him.
people don’t already know?
husband calls me a centipede.
I met my sister for the very first time. The reunion was a rather emotional,
but fulfilling one.
it take for you to be able to get the characters out of your mind and move on
to the next?
Sometimes it’s hard to get your head out of a book once it’s finished. Deviant
actually made me ill. My blood pressure went down so much that I almost fainted
at work once. Not nice. 🙁 In the end I had to take a deep breath and move onto
the next project. I like to build scenes up in my head before I start writing
them down. It makes it easier to flow that way.
novels important?
part of writing a book is choosing the character’s names. I think they’re
important because a good, strong name can have an inpact on the way you feel
about the character. That’s what I feel, anyway.
remaining sane as a writer?
wine. Did I mention wine?
you as a writer?
to dwell on the bad things that are said. Luckily, I haven’t had
anything too bad that it has stuck with me. I count myself extremely lucky
to have met some wonderful readers out there. I welcome reviews good and bad,
and also welcome any people who have reviewed my books negatively to contact
me. I seriously don’t bite… well, not that much. 😉
your books?
constructive, I welcome them. I once had a reviewer rate a book of
mine 3 stars and emailed me to apologise. I had read the review and told
her there was nothing to apolgise for. The review was constructive and well
thought out. It’s these reviews that aid me in becoming a better writer.
It’s the “Bash the Author” reviews I get upset about. There’s just no
need for it.
Sometimes I will sit there and my mind goes completely blank. I hate it when
that happens. 🙁 The other part is writing scenes and then looking back on them
thinking, are people going to get bored reading this?
book and what was it?
emotionally difficult scenes. In Luca 2, something happens to Clara that hit a
nerve with me. I cried writing it, and then cried reading it over again. I
didn’t enjoy it, but if other people have the same emotions that I did
then at least I know I have done the best I could regarding that scene.
want readers to grasp?
I suppose only that in life you have to be grateful for the things that you
have. Sometimes bad things can happen, but when it does you have to think to
yourself that there are people in a much worse situation than me.
character in a book or a movie?
read and watched characters in a movie and thought, I wish I could be like
them? What gave you the idea?
hot Italian model. I found one and asked my designer if she could work her
magic. I explained that having the castle somewhere on the cover was important,
as it was important to my character.
I don’t think I want to tell you because I want to keep her to myself! 😉 Only
joking… Well, maybe just a little bit.
Book Cover by Design. She’s awesome!
Drama, dark, angst, romantic and erotic.
be when you grew up?
of a crisp factory.
enough I wanted to be a writer. I used to write poetry when I was 17. I even
had a story of a young girl that moves from the country to London and works for
an older CEO. Romance blooms, of course. In the end I never started it.
I think it’s imperative when starting a new project. I start the kettle for my
coffee or tea, fire up my laptop, and start tapping away.
Once in a blue moon I may put some music on just to have some background noise.
Mostly, though I like peace and quiet whilst I’m writing.
another stalker book called Scars. I’m quite excited about this one.
husband calls me James, which I find quite sweet. I just think of it as a
shortened version of Jaimie.
I can be a little OCD about certain things. Toilet paper being put on the
holder correctly, for one. 😉 The others are opened cupboard doors or
drawers. I hate that! I also can’t understand how many socks we go through as a
family. I seriously put on about ten pairs every time I do a wash, lol.
Considering I have to do a wash at least twice a week, that’s a lot
of socks.
would like me to, but no.
shop drink?
Starbucks where I live. 🙁 Normally I have my coffee black.
preferably dipped in melted chocolate. Hmm…
is my friend
Actually, you can scrap bitch. I’m not really a bitch. My husband may disagree
with me at times on that, though. 😉
wait to read more work from you.
of my many apartments. This one was reserved for one thing and one thing only: fucking.
I’d ever seen … But that wasn’t why I’d brought her here. I brought her
here because I wanted to prove a point. Today was the day I laid eyes on the
most beautiful angel I had ever seen. It was only a picture, but I couldn’t get
her image out of my damn fucking head.
turn-on, but she did nothing for me—not even a twitch.
sucking me hard. I was going to push her away and tell her to fuck off, but
then I closed my eyes, and the image of that girl came into my head. Clara.
mouth. Imagining it was Clara made my dick stiffer than it had ever been.
should have fucking loved this, but all I could think about was her.
off of my cock. I still wanted to prove a point. I had always loved sex. If I
could just feel this random woman’s pussy, then I was sure I could forget her.
urge to fuck her raw. “Fucking sit on me—now.”
I closed my eyes again, and straight away, my mind went back to Clara.
absolutely nothing for me. I tried grabbing her hips and gaining control as I
pulled her down on top of me. Nothing—not a damn thing. She may as well have
been jumping on top of my stomach instead of my cock.
around the room. I knew her orgasm was coming quickly as she sped faster and
moaned louder than ever before. Once her spasms died down, I shoved her off of
my cock.
make you come now. I can suck you again if you want?”
got dressed. “Arsehole!” she shouted before slamming the door.
to have possessed me. No other woman has ever possessed me like this woman
has. Her picture practically screamed at me to touch her … to feel
her … to caress her.
condom on me—I started to touch myself. I closed my eyes, and again, straight
away, her image came into my head.
thought made my dick come to life like never before. My movements became faster
and my breathing heavier as I imagined thrusting myself inside this woman I
hadn’t even met … yet. It wasn’t long before I felt it: that blissful
intensity permeating my whole body. That feeling which was like no other,
radiating through me as I hurried to find my release.
and harder. A sound escaped my lips as I jerked and bucked underneath my hand,
thrusting my release as hard as I could into the condom.
out of my fucking head?
have a shower. Feeling the warmth hit my skin, I closed my eyes again, and
again her image filled my head.
conclusion. It was something I’d always known I was going to do—deep down—from
the moment I saw that fucking picture.
knew then that you had to have her.
had been made. I was going to go to Clara Murphy, but first I wanted to see
just how tough she really was.
every thought which passed through my head. I was going to go to Clara Murphy
and sort out this little obsession of mine once and for all. I knew all I had
to do was see her and my mind would be made up for me. I would either fuck her
until she was out of my system—or I would make her mine.
subconscious what the answer was going to be.
ready for me. You will be mine, and there isn’t a damn fucking thing you can do
to stop me.
change the subject. Even I felt we had entered into a pornographic movie all of
a sudden.
returned to me. “Yes. I run things there. I did spend a lot of time in
England, though. I studied here before moving back several years ago. Luca was
always set to run things when he was older, but when he left, it
was up to me.”
comfortable with the fact that I’ve done a much better job than Luca
could ever do.”
enough to prevent me from shoving your own balls down your throat.”
I do.”
what happens when you try to go against me.”
angry. “What the fuck are you laughing at?” Alessandro quickly shut his mouth, earning
him a dirty look from Luca.
are you going?”
wash, and then I’m going to get my local masseuse, Philippe, to give
me a massage. I think I need to relax.” I smiled inside, knowing that
hearing his name would make Luca’s hackles rise. I wasn’t going
to mention that Philippe was gay. Well, not just yet anyway.
my troubles away from time to time.”
for a second. “Hmm… I think it was two weeks ago.”
his hands on you?”
find him and chop his fucking hands off.”
“Oooh, tetchy, Mr. Belatoni.”
Giovanni’s question.
for sex with him, but when he got possessive and angry like this, it just
made the fires rage even more. This was my control over him. “I’m all dirty,
Luca. I need to get very naked and very wet.” I pierced him with a heated stare, and
my heart rate picked up a notch as he growled in my direction.
these hot men and Italian accents weregetting the better of me.
placed his phone in Tony’s hand. “Hold my calls, Tony. I’m going to fuck-love
my woman.”
Author: Jaimie Roberts
hostage by an Italian stallion?
“The Castle.” My empire is my home which I’ve worked hard to build a life from.
A future. But one day, the infamous Luca Belatoni stepped into my office and
demanded that I pay him protection money.
my mind in business and my body in bed. Neither of which I will allow. No
matter how much his caramel eyes and Italian words of love puncture my hardened
do not read.

2001. She is married with two sons, and in her spare time, she writes.
released in November 2013. With the reviews, Jaimie took time out to read and
learn how to become a better writer.
writing, and even more so from the feedback she receives.