Marshall isn’t the type of man a woman takes home to meet her parents.
He’s a business shark who has never let anything as insignificant as
caring stop him from taking over a company. Some call him heartless, but
he doesn’t see the value of caring about anyone or anything until he
meets Kenzi.
Her happiness becomes his obsession.
Barrington has tried to be the person her family needed her to be, but
she doesn’t want to lie anymore. When she can’t hold a dark secret in
another day, she turns to the one man she knows is strong enough to hear
the truth.
What starts as a simple attraction becomes a friendship that changes how they both define love.
Book 1: Always Mine
Book 2: Stolen Kisses
Book 3: Trade It All (Coming Soon)
Purchase Links
Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Stolen-Kisses-Barrington-Billionaires-Book-ebook/dp/B017J8MQWK/ref=pd_sim_351_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=41xxE%2B0uuGL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR107%2C160_&refRID=0DKZGPNAEXAQV2JQPAS6
IBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/stolen-kisses/id1054817558?mt=11
Book One Also Available
When it comes to getting what he wants, Asher Barrington is a hammer who is known for crushing his opponents. From the moment Emily walks into his office and challenges him, winning takes on a whole new meaning. The only thing standing between Emily Harris and her goal to open a museum for the blind is an arrogant, sexy as hell billionaire, who thinks sleeping with her will not complicate the situation. He won’t change. She won’t back down. But together they sizzle.
**This is book one of a spin off series from The Legacy Collection and The Andrades. You fell in love with Dominic Corisi and Gio Andrade—come meet the rest of the family. All new couples with cameos from many of your favorite characters.
Love reading books set in the same world? Watch for Jeannette Winters release, One White Lie. Her series will mirror this series time line. It won’t be necessary to read hers to enjoy mine, but it sure will enhance the fun
Purchase Links
Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Always-Mine-Barrington-Billionaires-Book-ebook/dp/B013GZOXPS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447262915&sr=8-1&keywords=always+mine
ITunes – https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/always-mine/id1027509670?mt=11
About Ruth Cardello
in northern Rhode Island. She spent her young adult years moving as far
away as she could from her large extended family. She lived in Boston,
Paris, Orlando, New York–then came full circle and moved back to Rhode
Island. She now happily lives one town over from the one she was born
in. For her, family trumped the warmer weather and international scene.
was an educator for 20 years, the last 11 as a kindergarten teacher.
When her school district began cutting jobs, Ruth turned a serious eye
toward her second love- writing and has never been happier. When she’s
not writing, you can find her chasing her children around her small
farm, riding her horses, or connecting with her readers online.
The Temptation Series:
Book 1: Twelve Days of Temptation
Book 2: Be My Temptation
Other Works:
Taken By a Trillionaire