
Alison Bliss has never turned down a challenge…or been called by the right
name. Her writing career may have started out as a dare by one of her sisters,
but Alison hasn’t put her pen down since.
off the Texas Gulf Coast, where most of her childhood vacations consisted of
camping or hunting trips to the deer lease. Although she’ll always be a
Texan at heart, Alison currently resides in the Midwest with her Iowa farm-boy
husband and their two sons. With so much testosterone in her home, it’s no
wonder she writes “girl books.”
believes the best way to know if someone is your soul mate is by canoeing with
them because if you both make it back alive, it’s obviously meant to
be. Alison’s an avid romance reader who enjoys penning the type of books
she loves to read most: fun, steamy love stories with heart, heat, laughter,
and usually a cowboy or two. As she calls it, “Romance…with a sense
of humor.”

ignites a fire like the perfect match…
Anna Weber is every inch the proper librarian—old-fashioned, conservatively
dressed right down to her tightly clipped flaming red hair. She’s just moved to
a small Texas town, and is determined to spend time with her friend before she
has to disappear. Relationships aren’t easy for her. She knows too well what it
means to be burned. And the last thing she ever wants to do is fall in love…
Especially not with a fireman who’s hot enough to set the entire state of Texas
on fire.
Cowboy can’t resist the fiery little librarian, and he’s determined to make her
his. Beneath that prim-and-proper exterior is a woman he very much wants to
know—if she’d let him. She’ll test his patience. His control. Hell, his very
sanity. And for the first time, Cowboy wonders if he’s found the one fire he
can’t control…

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1QTEd6h
B&N: http://bit.ly/1KvADNm
iBooks: http://apple.co/1KqN39k
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1QtrrdV
Trailer: http://bit.ly/1iJunsx
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