About the Author :
L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including: Beautifully Damaged, Beautifully Forgotten and Always and Forever. She’s also the social secretary for her two children, a tamer of ill-mannered cats, the companion to one awesome dog and married to her best friend. She likes her wine red, her shrimp chilled and her social gatherings small and intimate.
Jeri’s Book Attic is proud to be able to post an exclusive interview with the author
1) What is the
first book you read that comes to mind? Why is it so important to you?
first book you read that comes to mind? Why is it so important to you?
The Harry Potter
books. I remember waiting for the last book to release in book stores, read the
entire book in less than 12 hours. These books have the ability to take the
reader to another world, one that, at least for me, I found very hard to leave.
What would it be like to ride on the Hogwarts Express? To receive an owl with your acceptance letter
to the Wizarding school? Seeing Diagon Alley and having your wand select you?
The power of the imagination is a beautiful thing and these books are a
stunning example of that.
books. I remember waiting for the last book to release in book stores, read the
entire book in less than 12 hours. These books have the ability to take the
reader to another world, one that, at least for me, I found very hard to leave.
What would it be like to ride on the Hogwarts Express? To receive an owl with your acceptance letter
to the Wizarding school? Seeing Diagon Alley and having your wand select you?
The power of the imagination is a beautiful thing and these books are a
stunning example of that.
2) What made you
start writing books?
start writing books?
I have always
had stories in my head, characters and plot lines. I’m also a curious person,
often wondering about the people I see on the streets: what’s a day in their
life like? I may not know their specific stories, but I could create stories
for them. I love the imagination, love being able to travel to places I may
never travel in real life, or to create situations I may never experience in
real life. In books, anything is possible.
had stories in my head, characters and plot lines. I’m also a curious person,
often wondering about the people I see on the streets: what’s a day in their
life like? I may not know their specific stories, but I could create stories
for them. I love the imagination, love being able to travel to places I may
never travel in real life, or to create situations I may never experience in
real life. In books, anything is possible.
3) How much of
you and/or your surroundings is a part of your stories? Is the influence based
on a conscious decision, or do you periodically recognize yourself in one of
your characters and it wasn’t planned?
you and/or your surroundings is a part of your stories? Is the influence based
on a conscious decision, or do you periodically recognize yourself in one of
your characters and it wasn’t planned?
I don’t
consciously try to incorporate my surroundings or people I know in my books,
but it rubs off. For instance, in Waiting for the One there is a lot of
me in Saffron and there’s a lot of my husband in Trace from Beautifully
consciously try to incorporate my surroundings or people I know in my books,
but it rubs off. For instance, in Waiting for the One there is a lot of
me in Saffron and there’s a lot of my husband in Trace from Beautifully
I love Brad
Pitt, he’s mentioned in a few of my stories.
I also adore OneRepublic and Fallout Boy, both groups’ lyrics are
amazing. And Nora Roberts, I’d probably faint if I ever met her.
Pitt, he’s mentioned in a few of my stories.
I also adore OneRepublic and Fallout Boy, both groups’ lyrics are
amazing. And Nora Roberts, I’d probably faint if I ever met her.
5) What does
your perfect writing day look like? Do you plan when and how long you write, or
does it happen without planning?
your perfect writing day look like? Do you plan when and how long you write, or
does it happen without planning?
When I have a
story in my head, I write until the story is done, so that could be three weeks
of eighteen hour days. A typical writing day consists of getting the kids off
to school, grabbing a cup of coffee and heading to my office with my dog. I’ll
write all day, take a break to feed the family, and usually work until very
late at night. When I’m not actively
working on a book, I’m usually editing existing books through the various
stages in the process: editing, copy editing, proofing. It isn’t unusual for me
to read the story dozens and dozens of times to ensure the story is being told
how I want it to be told. There are those rare occasions, when I’m not writing,
that I actually have the opportunity to read other authors’ books.
story in my head, I write until the story is done, so that could be three weeks
of eighteen hour days. A typical writing day consists of getting the kids off
to school, grabbing a cup of coffee and heading to my office with my dog. I’ll
write all day, take a break to feed the family, and usually work until very
late at night. When I’m not actively
working on a book, I’m usually editing existing books through the various
stages in the process: editing, copy editing, proofing. It isn’t unusual for me
to read the story dozens and dozens of times to ensure the story is being told
how I want it to be told. There are those rare occasions, when I’m not writing,
that I actually have the opportunity to read other authors’ books.
6) What genre is
the most intimidating when you think about writing in it? Explain why!
the most intimidating when you think about writing in it? Explain why!
love story. I’d like to write a ghost story, one based in the Bayou. I don’t necessarily want horror, I want
suspense and hair-raising, but to find that perfect balance of love story and
paranormal, I think is the challenge because that genre, if not done right, can
come across Scooby Dooish.
love story. I’d like to write a ghost story, one based in the Bayou. I don’t necessarily want horror, I want
suspense and hair-raising, but to find that perfect balance of love story and
paranormal, I think is the challenge because that genre, if not done right, can
come across Scooby Dooish.
7) What do you
like to do when you are not writing? What do you think your profession would be
if you were not an author?
like to do when you are not writing? What do you think your profession would be
if you were not an author?
I love to garden,
mostly perennial gardens with little order and lots of colors. I have done
vegetable gardens but we recently moved and haven’t quite gotten the soil where
we want it. I think if I wasn’t a writer, I’d own a garden center where I could
play all day with plants.
mostly perennial gardens with little order and lots of colors. I have done
vegetable gardens but we recently moved and haven’t quite gotten the soil where
we want it. I think if I wasn’t a writer, I’d own a garden center where I could
play all day with plants.
8) What is the
most touching reaction you have ever received from a fan?
most touching reaction you have ever received from a fan?
One fan
contacted me to share a photo of a tattoo she had done on her back, spines of
her favorite books tattooed down her spine.
Beautifully Damaged was one of her books. There are not words to
express what that feels like, to have moved someone so much with my own words
that she permanently marked herself with my book. Incredible.
contacted me to share a photo of a tattoo she had done on her back, spines of
her favorite books tattooed down her spine.
Beautifully Damaged was one of her books. There are not words to
express what that feels like, to have moved someone so much with my own words
that she permanently marked herself with my book. Incredible.
9) In your
opinion, what is the most important feature a book needs to have?
opinion, what is the most important feature a book needs to have?
A challenge, whether
that’s love, a job, a stalker, a tragedy, there has to be something that the
hero or heroine needs to conquer, hopefully with the help of others, which
makes them stronger than they were at the start of the story.
that’s love, a job, a stalker, a tragedy, there has to be something that the
hero or heroine needs to conquer, hopefully with the help of others, which
makes them stronger than they were at the start of the story.
10) What is the
most difficult part of writing a book, (including the preparations and
most difficult part of writing a book, (including the preparations and
The waiting. I
can write a book in about three weeks and then the process begins, so by the
time the book actually releases to the public, it can be six months to a year
later. And sometimes there’s a book that
you just know is the best thing you’ve written and having to wait to see how
it’s received, is nail biting. For me, I love all of my stories. Beautifully Damaged was my first and I
adore it, Always and Forever is fantastical and Waiting for the One is
quirky and silly. With each book, I grow as a writer though and so my stories I
think also grow. A Glimpse of the Dream, to me, is the best thing I’ve
ever written, may be the best thing I ever write. And I so want it out there,
hope that readers experience the same feelings reading it as I felt writing it.
can write a book in about three weeks and then the process begins, so by the
time the book actually releases to the public, it can be six months to a year
later. And sometimes there’s a book that
you just know is the best thing you’ve written and having to wait to see how
it’s received, is nail biting. For me, I love all of my stories. Beautifully Damaged was my first and I
adore it, Always and Forever is fantastical and Waiting for the One is
quirky and silly. With each book, I grow as a writer though and so my stories I
think also grow. A Glimpse of the Dream, to me, is the best thing I’ve
ever written, may be the best thing I ever write. And I so want it out there,
hope that readers experience the same feelings reading it as I felt writing it.
11) If you had
the chance to influence the questions people ask you in interviews, what
question is the most annoying and you would love to never hear again? What question
would you really like to answer that you have not been asked yet, and what is
your answer to that question?
the chance to influence the questions people ask you in interviews, what
question is the most annoying and you would love to never hear again? What question
would you really like to answer that you have not been asked yet, and what is
your answer to that question?
I’ve only done a
few interviews, so I haven’t yet had a question that I don’t want to answer. And
though it isn’t a question, I do have a comment. Writing is a passion, authors
write because we have stories to share and though there will be those who like
what we write and those who don’t, it is the relationship between writers and
readers that’s special. For me, I know I wouldn’t have done nearly as well as I
have without the help of readers/bloggers who have taken the time to not just
read one of my stories, but to share what they’ve read with others. So I’d like
to thank Jeri’s Book Attic and all the other readers and bloggers out there
that have a love for books and who have taken the time to share that love.
few interviews, so I haven’t yet had a question that I don’t want to answer. And
though it isn’t a question, I do have a comment. Writing is a passion, authors
write because we have stories to share and though there will be those who like
what we write and those who don’t, it is the relationship between writers and
readers that’s special. For me, I know I wouldn’t have done nearly as well as I
have without the help of readers/bloggers who have taken the time to not just
read one of my stories, but to share what they’ve read with others. So I’d like
to thank Jeri’s Book Attic and all the other readers and bloggers out there
that have a love for books and who have taken the time to share that love.
12) Name three
characteristics of your writing style that are important yet different from
other authors.
characteristics of your writing style that are important yet different from
other authors.
I like to put my
readers through the ringer. I want you to have your HEA but I want you to
experience as many emotions as possible to get there. I also tend to error on the side of fantasy
over reality. I don’t want the book to be too realistic—though
a vein of reality is important to make the book relatable—because isn’t that why we read fiction, to escape for just a bit? And I
like my characters all to be flawed because in real life, no one is perfect and
it’s our flaws that make us unique.
readers through the ringer. I want you to have your HEA but I want you to
experience as many emotions as possible to get there. I also tend to error on the side of fantasy
over reality. I don’t want the book to be too realistic—though
a vein of reality is important to make the book relatable—because isn’t that why we read fiction, to escape for just a bit? And I
like my characters all to be flawed because in real life, no one is perfect and
it’s our flaws that make us unique.
13) Which of
your characters seems to be the most independent, and has taken on a life of their
your characters seems to be the most independent, and has taken on a life of their
Kane Doyle, from
A Glimpse of the Dream, because he’s a remarkable character and with all
that he goes through, he stays deep to the bone good.
A Glimpse of the Dream, because he’s a remarkable character and with all
that he goes through, he stays deep to the bone good.
14) What do you
want tell your readers at the end of this interview?
want tell your readers at the end of this interview?
It’s a privilege
to write, an honor to share my stories with readers. I’m living my dream and I
wouldn’t be without you, so thank you. And I hope that after you’ve read one of
my books, you’ve cried, you’ve laughed and you’ve lost just a little piece of
yourself in the story.
to write, an honor to share my stories with readers. I’m living my dream and I
wouldn’t be without you, so thank you. And I hope that after you’ve read one of
my books, you’ve cried, you’ve laughed and you’ve lost just a little piece of
yourself in the story.