


Q&A by Colleen Hoover


April 17, 2015


reviewed for





Taken from: https://www.goodreads.com/photo/author/5430144.Colleen_Hoover


When you already have done the tour through our blog,  you for sure have noticed that we are big fans of Colleen Hoover. Yesterday, she started a Q&A on her Facebook page. People were and still are able to ask questions which she is going to answer the next days. In the comments we found out a lot about not only her, but also a lot of things concerning her books(like #NeverNever2 or November 9). In this post we want to collect the best and most interesting questions and answers for you.
Because of privacy, we won’t mention the name of the people asking the questions. 


1) Q:Is there a subject as an author that you wouldn’t write about? And if so what         subject is that?
A:  I would never write about anything I find boring, because I wouldn’t be able to concentrate or put effort into it. So history, science, math. Pretty much all of the things I suck at.


2)Q:Just curious, if it isn’t being a writer, do you have an absolute dream job? Like something crazy out there?
A: I would love to be a director. 

Comment on the answer: Hopefully she will have some influence on the Ugly Love movie.
Check out their official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UglyLoveMovie?fref=ts .

3)Q: Is there a certain book or author that inspired you to start writing?

A: It was actually a song lyric from The Avett Brothers. “Decide what to be and go be it.”

 Comment on the answer: Actually the music plays an important role in her books as well. 

4)Q:Will you ever continue with the slammed books???? The little brothers stories or maybe Eddie? 
A: That would be awesome. I guess it depends on time and what I’ve got lined up. I never say never. 

Comment on the answer: This would be beyond awesome! 
Check out the Slammed series: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13372690-slammed?from_search=true&search_version=service .




5)Q:At what point in your writing do you decide on the title for your book?

A: Sometimes I come up with the title before the book, sometimes in the middle. Mostly before I start writing. I tend to like to write around the title, if that makes sense. 

6)Q:Other than Abbi, Tarryn, and Jamie which authors do you one click automatically?

A:  You know, I don’t really buy books. lol. Luckily, authors are pretty good about giving away advanced copies to their author friends for feedback. So a lot of times I’ll message the author and say, “Can I PLEASE READ THIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?” and they’ll send it over. But I love Tammara Webber, Amy   I could go on and on…

Comment on the answer: You really should check out the books written by Amy Harmon! She has such a special way to tell a story.

7)  Q:Hi Colleen! Your characters are all very special ♡ I just wanna know, who among your characters is the closest to your heart?  
A:  I honestly had a really soft spot for Miles. It was hard writing Ugly Love because of what he went through and I just want to hug him.

8) Q:  If you had to choose between never drinking another Diet Pepsi as long as you live, or never writing as long as you live, which one wins? 
A:  I would suffer through diet coke to continue writing.
Comment on the answer: You have to know that Colleen loves Diet Pepsi. I am jsut happy that she loves writing even more. What would we do if her answer would have been a different one?Perhaps stop the wordwide production of Diet Pepsi?! 😀 For Colleen’s books , I would do it”

9)Q; Any movie deals in progress?????
A: Hopeless is with producers. Ugly Love is in pre-production. Nothing on any of the others. 

Comment on the answer: OMG, really? Is she serious? *Colleen dance*I love all of her books, but the Hopeles books are even more special for me! This totally made my day! 

Last but not least: 

10) Hopefully we are able to post the answer to our question at this point when she answered it. We wanted to ask how she dealt with the writing process of Never Never as she writes these books together with Tarryn Fisher.

There are plenty other questions. Take a look – it will be fun!

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