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Sin With Me (Bad Habit #3) by J.T. Geissinger


October 1, 2017

reviewed for

Jeri’s Book Attic






 Sin With Me


 J.T. Geissinger


Bad Habit #3


 April 25th 2017 






The past she can’t remember. The secret he hides. And a love that’s worth risking it all.After a devastating car crash stole both her family and her memory, Grace Stanton was left with no past and an uncertain future. Now Grace likes to keep things simple. No sleepovers, never date a guy more than a month, and never, ever fall in love. Which is exactly why Grace avoids Bad Habit’s lead guitarist, Brody Scott, at all costs. The green-eyed, sexy-as-hell musician has “trouble” tattooed all over him, and Grace isn’t taking any chances with her heart.Brody knows he doesn’t deserve an amazing woman like Grace—her creamy skin, red hair, or that smart mouth that fuels his every fantasy—but there’s something between them that’s more than chemistry. Something real. He’ll just have to convince Grace that he’s worth the risk—and hide the secret that haunts his worst dreams. But when fate plays a cruel hand, Brody’s darkest sin suddenly threatens his last chance at redemption…and the life of the woman he loves.






WOW – that was a rollercoaster ride – I felt really emotional during reading Sin With Me by J. T. Geissinger. If you read her previous books of that series you will def. know what I am talking about.


I have honestly never experienced reading a book where I have been paying attention to the background characters almost as much as to the leading characters.


And really Dear. Ms. Geissinger – I need to have a word with you about that… (and no – you will not get any spoilers here from me as to why – you will all have to suffer on your own because that is the only way with this series)


Gosh – I am not even sure what I should or could tell you about this book.


Well for one, If you did not read the previous two books – well YOU NEED TO and do not start with this one.


It might be readable as a standalone but the background/secondary characters have too much “voice” to read the books in the wrong order, you would spoil yourself one hell of an experience.


And second would be – if you DID read the previous books of that series – you will NOT be disappointed by this one. It was worth the wait but #sigh – why does it always feel like it was to short?


I am really not sure what kind of Box this author is keeping her ideas in when it comes to this series, but opening a new book always feels like a book version of Pandora’s box.


Just where that would have contained all the evils in the world J.T. Geissingers box contains gut-wrenching and heartbreaking (the good kind – but still they HURT). Well and what can I say ? I love it – every minute of it.


Opening her books is similar to opening a book of Colleen Hoover, you never know what will happen you just know for sure you will be surprised and it will hurt along the way but in the end you will love it.


I realize I am not telling anything about the story but really I can’t because I won’t yeah … you need to feel her books from beginning to end – no way around it.


So please enjoy! 



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